Week |
Friday |
1 | 8/24 Introduction & Review
(Thinkwell) |
8/25 More review. Differential equations and IVA IVB IVC |
8/27Direction Fields IV.D | 8/28 Euler's Method IV.E |
2 |
8/31 More Euler's Method Discussed |
Begin Models for (Population) Growth and Decay: y' = k y; y(0)=1. k = 1. The exponential function.VI.A estimate e from (1+1/n)n. Models for learning. y' = k / x; y(1)=0. k =1 VI.B |
9/3 Review Substitution More on the relation between the DE y'=y with y(0)=1 and ex. |
9/4 More on y'=y and the exponential function. Models for learning. y' = k / x; y(1)=0. k =1 VI.B |
3 POW #1 Due 9/8 Summary #1 due 9/11 |
9/ 7 No Class. Labor Day. |
9/8 y = ln (x) and ln(2) ln|x| and integration of 1/x. More on ln. |
9/10 Begin Bounded learning. Improper Integrals I |
9/11 More on improper integrals |
4 POW #2: Due 9/21 | 9/14 Bounded learning and Arctan. VI.D | 9/15 More Review Substitution(ii) | 9/17 More DE models. Separation of variables.Growth/Decay Models. [Symbolic] . | 9/18 The Logistic Model |
5 Summary #2 due 9/25 |
9/21More logistic. Integration of rational functions I. VII.F |
9/22 Rational functions II | 9/24
Rational functions III VII.F |
9/ 25 End Rational Functions |
6 POW #3: Due 10/2 | 9/28 NO Class Flashman Furlough Day. |
9/29One more Meany!? Begin Improper Integrals II |
10/1 Improper Integrals and
comparison tests III Integration by parts I |
10/2Numerical Integration.(Constant and Linear) Integration by parts. II VII.C |
7 Summary #3 due 10/9 |
tests? Integration by parts (finale?) |
10/6 Numerical Integration. (linear), V.D | 10/8 Numerical Integration. (linear and quadratic), V.D | 10/9 Last look at Numerical Integration (quadratic) V.D Footnote on Integration by Parts: reduction formulae. Start Taylor Theory? |
Exam I Self
scheduled: 10/14 |
10/12 Taylor Theory I. IXA Applications: Definite integrals and DE's. |
10/13 Review for exam #1 (?) |
10/15. Taylor theory IXA..
10/16 Taylor theory continued for e^x . |
9POW #4: Due 10/19 Summary #4 due 10/23 |
10/19 Taylor theory IXA..
10/20IXB MacLaurin Polynomials | 10/ 22MacLaurin
Polynomials IXB
10/23 IX.C More on finding MacLaurin Polynomials & Taylor theory. Use of absolute values |
10POW #5: Due 11/2 | 10/26 Geometric sequences. Taylor Theory for remainder proven. |
10/27 IX.D Taylor
derivatives, integrals, and ln(x).Begin Sequences and series. X.A |
Sequence properties:
Unification. |
10/30 Series Conv. I Geometric and Taylor Series. geometric series X.B1_4 |
11 Summary #5 due 11/6 | 11/2 Series Conv. II Harmonic Series. Incr&bdd above implies convergent. |
Series Conv. III The divergence test. |
11/5Series Conv. IV More on geometric series. Intro to power series concepts of convergence and functions. Taylor Series convergence. Theorem on Rn Taylor polys and Series. |
Positive series & Integral test. |
12 |
Alternating Series Series to solve DE's - Motivations f''(x) = f(x) with f(0)=0 and f'(0)=1 Positive comparison test |
Ratio test for Positive Series X.B5 Trig Integrals I sin & cos |
11/12 Series Conv.VI Absolute conv. & conditional: The General ratio test: Power Series I XI.A |
11/13Power Series II (Interval of convergence)XI.A Trig Integrals II sec&tan Taylor Series |
13 Exam
II self scheduled Tues/Wed. 17/18 |
11/16 Power Series III (DE's) |
11/ 17 Power Series IV (Functions and DE's) |
11/19 Area Revisited Trig substitution (begin- area of circle) I (sin) VII.E Favorite estimates. |
11/20 NO Class: Furlough Day |
14 No Classes
Thanksgiving |
11/23 | 11/ | 11/ Thanksgiving | 11/ |
15 POW #6: Due 11/30 (Changed
11/19) |
11/30 Area II Volume I Trig substitution II (tan and sec) VII.E |
12/1More trig area volume |
Work More area ("dy") Parametric curves I |
12/4 Parametric curves II :Arc Length VIII.B |
16Summary #6 due 12/8 | 12/7Average Value Volume II Polar Curves I |
12/8 Polar curves II Parametric curves III tangents Conics I Intro to loci-analytic geometry issues.(parabolae, ellipses) Conics II More on Ellipse and Parabola. Conics III The hyperbolae |
12/10 exp(pi*i) = -1 Darts ?? Probability density, mean Surface Area --? The conics IV Hyperbolic functions: DE's, Taylor Series, Algebra and Hyperbolas. |
L'Hospital's rule? Proof Of L'Hospital's Rule? How Newton used Geometric series to find ln(.9) |
17 Final Examination Self scheduled Review Session: Sunday 2:00- 3:50 PM Come to BSS 308. Sample Final Exam Questions will be available on Moodle by Dec 10. |
Mon: 12/14 10:20 SH 128 |
Tues: 12/15 15:00 Art 27 |
Thurs.: 12/17 10:20 SH 128 |
Fri: 12/18 10:20 SH 128 |
Reality Quizzes | 100 points |
Homework | 100 points |
POW's |
50 points |
Summary work | 50 points |
2 Midterm Examinations | 200 points |
Final Examination | 200 or 400 points |
Total | 700 or 900 points |
You may use my office hours for
additional work on these background areas either as individuals or in
groups. My office time is also available to discuss routine
from homework after they have been discussed in class and reality check
quizzes as well as using technology.
Assignment |
DateDue: | Read: | Do: |
#1 |
8-28-31 |
Background Reality
Check |
1-11 odd [parts a and b only] 23,24 | ||
pp 572-575 |
3-6 |
#2 |
8/31 9-1 |
SC IV.E | 5-9 odd (a&b) |
9.2: pp 575-577 | 19, 21 |
#3 |
9-3 |
SC IV.E | 20,21,24 |
3.8 , 9.1 |
3 |
SC VI.A | 9, 10, 15, 16 |
#4 | 9/3-8 (changed 9-4) |
SC VI.B 3.1 pp178-180; 3.6 pp 215-217;219 SC VI.C |
13,14 p262: 20, 29, 33 |
#5 | 9/10-14 (Changed 9-10) |
SC VI.D 3.5:pg 212 |
1-4;9-13;21,*(22&23) p214: 45, 54 |
9/15 On-line Mapping Figure Text and Activities | |||
#6 | 9/15-17 |
7.8 pp 508-511( omit Ex. 2) 5.5 |
7.8: 3-13 odd, 8 5.5: 1-11 odd, 8, 16, 20 |
#7 | 9/21-22 |
9.3 pp580-585 9.4 |
9.3: 1-5, 11,19 9.4: 3, 7 *9.3: 21 |
#8 | 9/24-25 |
7.4 pp 473-476 VII.F through Example VII.F.5 (rational functions) |
7.4: 1a,
2, 7-11, 15, 19, 21 *SC VII.F :5,6,7,17 |
#9 | 9/25-28 |
SC VII.F | 7.4: 3,4, 17,25, 27, 29, 33 *SC VII.F :1,3,10,14,15 |
#10 |
10/2 -5 |
7.8: pp511-515 |
7.8: 27-33 odd, 32; 49; *55; 57 |
#11 |
10/5-6 |
7.1 VII.C. Integration by Parts |
7.1:1-13 odd,26,28, 33,47,48 *[VII.C. 8,33,35] |
#12 | 10/6-8 |
pp 495-497; 500-502 Start reading V.D |
7.7: 1 (a-c), 31a [*VII.C: 12,16] |
#13 |
10/8-9 |
500-502 More help on Simpson's rule,etc can be found in SC V.D |
7.7: 27, 29,30 |
Exam #1 on October 13 -14 covers Assigned Material through Assignment 13. | |||
#14 | 10/16 |
Read SC IXA | SC IXA 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 9, *10 |
#15 |
10/16-22 |
Read IX B | SC IX B 1,2,4,5,7 |
#16 |
10/23-26 |
B (ii)11,13,14,*23 IX.C (i) 1-4 |
#17 | 10/27-29 |
IX.C(ii) 5-9; (iii) 12,14,16-18 |
#18 | 10/29-30 |
IX.D X.A |
IX. D:1,3,5 X.A: 1-3,5,7-9 |
#19 |
10/30-11/2 |
pp675-681 IX.D X.B1-4 |
odd;17-21 IX.D: 8,10,14,15 |
#20 |
11/3-5 |
X.B1-4 11.1 pp 682 - 684 11.2 |
11.2: 9-17 odd;21-23,
41-43,47-49 |
#21 |
11/9-10 |
X.B1-4 11.3 pp 679-700; 703 11.5: pp 710-713 7.2 : pp 460-461 |
11.3: 3-6, 11-13, 17,18 11.5: 3-6, 9-11 (OOPS changed 11-9) |
#22 |
11/10-12 |
Ratio Test For Positive Series 11.4: pp: 705-706 11.6: pp: 714-715 |
11.4:3-7 11.6 : 7, 13, 27, 2,8 7.2: 1-9 odd |
#23 |
11/16-17 |
XI.A 11.6 pp 716-718 middle, 719 11.8 |
11.6:3-5, 17-19, 31 11.8: 3-8, 15,16 |
#24 |
11/17-19 |
7.2: pp462-465 |
7.2: 21-29 odd; 56,51 |
#25 |
11/30 |
7.3 pp 467-469 example 2 5.2: p366-367 6.1:pp:415-417 |
7.3: 7, 13,14, 20, 21 5.2: 17, 19 6.1: 1,2 |
Examination #2 | 11/17-18 | Self Scheduled for 11/17 evening and 11/18. Covers material assigned through # 22 |
#26 |
12/1-3 |
VII.E *On-line tutorials from Hippocampus Use Course view for Calculus II Lesson 48: Trigonometric Substitutions 6.1:pp 415-418 7.3 pp 469-471 6.2 pp 422-425 example 2 |
7.3: 3, 9, 19; 1, 5 6.1: 7, 13 6.2:1,3 |
#27 |
12/4-7 |
6.1 pp418-419 (area) 6.2 pp 425-430 (volume) 6.4 (work) 10.1 pp 621-623 8.1:p525-526 10.2 pp 633-634 |
6.1:3,4,21, 22 6.2: 7,19,23,41 6.4: 3, 5,7 10.1:1,3,5-7,11,12,19,24,28 10.2: 41, 42,45 *48 |
#28 |
12/7-10 |
Appendix C pp A16-A23 6.5 |
App C: 1,3,5, 11-23 odd 6.4:13, 17 6.5: 1- 4 |
#29 |
12/8-10 |
10.2 pp630-633 10.3 pp639-643; 644-646 10.4 pp650, 652 |
10.2:1,3,5, 11, 17, 31 10.3: 3,5(i), 15,17,56,57 10.4: 1,9 |
Below this line all
assignments are not yet firm and due dates are to be determined. |
Math 110 Final
Check List for Fall, 2009! Core
Topics are italicized.
Differential Equations and Integration Tangent Fields and Integral Curves. Numerical Approximations. Euler's Method. Midpoints. Trapezoidal Rule. Parabolic (Simpson's) Rule. Integration of core functions (from Calc I) Integration by Substutition Integration by Parts. Integration of Trigonometric Functions and Elementary Formulas. Trigonometric Substitutions. Integration of Rational Functions. Simple examples. Simple Partial fractions. Separation of Variables. Improper Integrals: Extending the Concepts of
Taylor's Theorem. Sequences and Series: Fundamental Properties.
Power Series: Polynomials and Series.
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