Martin Flashman's Course Pages
Math 210 Calculus III  Fall, '09
Draft version- Work in Progress
MTRF 1000-1050 SH 128

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Last updated: 8/24/09

OFFICE: BSS 356                                      PHONE:826-4950
Office Hours (Tent.): MTRF 12:30-1:30 AND BY APPOINTMENT or chance!
E-MAIL:     WWW:
***PREREQUISITE: Math 110 (One Year of Calculus) or permission.

Students with Disabilities: Persons who wish to request disability-related accommodations should contact the Student Disability Resource Center in House 71, 826-4678 (voice) or 826-5392 (TDD). Some accommodations may take up to several weeks to arrange.
Add/Drop policy: ** See the University rules and dates related to the following: Students are responsible for knowing the University policy, procedures, and schedule for dropping or adding classes.
Emergency evacuation: Please review the evacuation plan for the classroom (posted on the orange signs) , and review for information on campus Emergency Procedures. During an emergency, information can be found campus conditions at: 826-INFO or
Academic honesty: Students are responsible for knowing policy regarding academic honesty: or
Attendance and disruptive behavior: Students are responsible for knowing policy regarding attendance and disruptive behavior:

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