#1 Predator Prey Due 9-29 |
#2 Curvature Due | #3 In Stewart:
15.3: 70,72 15. 4:38 Due |
#4 Homogeneous functions; motion
Due |
#5 Extremes of linear functions on triangular regions.
Due |
#6.Independent Factors in Products.
Due |
Equation 1: dR/dt = kR - aRW
dW/dt = -rW + bRW.
Read pages 575-577 on Euler's method together with materials
from Flashman on Euler's
method .
Suppose R(0)=100 and W(0)=10 in Equation 1. Estimate R(4) and W(4) using Euler's method with n = 4 with the following choices for the constants a,b,k, and r.
In each case discuss the quality of your estimate and the relation of these to part a and b ot Example 1 of Stewart.
b. Generalize your result to homogeneous differentiable functions of 3 and 4 variables.
2. The temperature distribution on a metal plate at time t is given by the function H t of x and y:
State and justify the analogous result for planar regions bounded by
quadrilaterals and pentagons.
Apply this work to find the maximum and minimum values of L(x,y)
= 3x + 5y when (x,y) satisfy all the following (linear) inequalities:
3 Bonus Points: Generalize this problem to one of the following
a. A tetrahedron in
space with L(x, y, z) = Ax + By + Cz
A,B, and C not all 0.
b. A planar region
bounded by a polygon with n sides.
Justify your statement and illustrate it with an example.
A. Find òòR (3x2+1) (4y3 +2y +1) dA where R = [1,3] × [0,2].
B. Suppose g and h are continuous real valued functions of one variable.
Let F(x,y) = g(x)h(y). Explain why òòR F(x,y) dA = òab g(x) dx òcd h(y) dy where R = [a,b] × [c,d].
C. Use part B to show that òòR exp(-x2 - y2) dA = [ò-mm exp(-x2) dx]2 where R = [-m,m] × [-m,m] .