Martin Flashman's Courses - Math 115 Fall, '02
Algebra and Elementary Functions
Final Exam  Tuesday Dec. 17: 12:40 to 2:40
Self Scheduled Final Exam Information
Review Session in Library 56- Sunday, December 15  3:00-4:40 pm
Third Cooperative Problems: Due 5 pm.  Tuesday Dec.10
Reality Quiz 8 will be in class on Thursday, December 12.
MTRF 1200-1250 HGH 225
  • Prentice Hall Web Site for Assistance,etc. (This only works with Internet Explorer)
  • Course Assignments: Text Problem lists (Most recent)
  • Course Daily Schedule Plan (subject to change)
  • Precalculus (and Calculus) websites
  • Math 095 modules at CSU Northridge (ALG II w/ geometry)
  • Algebra topics at the Purple Math website
  • Visual Calculus (Univ. of Tenn.) some pre-calculus tutorials, etc.
  • NEW! D.E. Joyce's  short introduction to Trigonometry (java  and web based)
  • NEW!.Trig Java Applets Excellent Java applets that dynamically illustrate trigonometry.(International Education Software)
  • Want to find out what your learning style is?

  • Here are two interesting learning styles inventories on the web: (1) NC State  (2)  Diablo Valley College .
  • Success in Mathematics (St.Louis University)
  • Winplot (freeware for PC's that we will use) may be downloaded from Rick Parris's website or directly from Winplot .
  • Notes for Winplot authored by Al Lehnen (Madison Area Technical College in Madison, Wisconsin)

  • Back to Martin Flashman's Home Page :)

    OFFICE: Library 48     E-MAIL:        PHONE:826-4950
    Hours (Tent.): MTF 3:20-4:40      AND BY APPOINTMENT or by CHANCE!

  • PREREQUISITE: Math code 40 (or better) or permission.
  • Catalog Description: Functions and their graphs; in-depth treatment of exponential and logarithmic functions. Trigonometry: trigonometric functions, identities, solving triangles. Polynomial functions. Prerequisite: HSU MATH 42 or 44 or 45 or math code 40.
  • TEXT: Sullivan and Sullivan, Precalculus Enhanced with Graphing Utilities, third edition, Prentice-Hall, 2002.

  • [The ISBN for the HSU custom order text is 0536684812.]
  • SCOPE: We will cover topics primarily from the preliminaries and chapters 1-6 in S&S. Supplementary materials will be provided as appropriate.
  • TESTS and ASSIGNMENTS:  Homework assignments are made regularly. These assignments will be discussed in class on a daily basis.
  • The reality check quizzes (done outside class on Blackboard) and in-class tests will have similar problems. There will be three in-class tests (15-30 minutes). 

  • The final examination for the course will be comprehensive and will be self-scheduled during the final exam week.
    It is the student's responsibility to request a makeup promptly,
    especially for  especially for unauthorized absence.
  • GRADES: Final grades will be determined taking into consideration the quality of work done in the course as evidenced primarily from the accumulation of points from tests and various  assignments.
  • Reality Quizzes 1-7 Best 6 scores 600 points
    Reality Quiz 8 100 points
    Cooperative work 50 points
    Homework 50 points
    Final Examination 400 or 600 points
    Total 1200 or 1400  points
  • Cooperative problem assignments will be used to determine 50 points.
  • The final examination will be be worth either 400 or 600 points determined by the following rule:

  • The final grade will use the score that maximizes the average for the term based on all possible points .
  • Notice that only 400 or 600 of these points are from formal in-class examinations, so regular participation is essential to forming a good foundation for your grades as well as your learning.

  • ** Students wishing to be graded with either CR or NC should make this request to the Adm & Rec office in writing. See the fall course list for a full list of relevant days.
  • Technology: The computer or a graphing calculator can be used for many problems. We will use Winplot and Microsoft Xcel.
  • Graphing Calculators: Graphing calculators are welcome and highly recommended.
  • Use of  Office Hours and Math 99: Many students find  pre-calculus difficult because of weakness in their algebra background skills and concepts.  A grade of C in Math 44 might indicate this kind of weakness.

  • Difficulties that might have been ignored or passed over in previous courses can be a major reason for why things don't make sense now.

    You may use my office hours for some additional work on these background areas either as individuals or in small groups. My office time is  also available to discuss routine problems from homework after they have been discussed in class,  reality check quizzes, as well as using  technology. Representatives from groups with questions about the Problem of the Week are also welcome.

    You may consider registering for Math 99(sections 5 or 6 - 42097 or 42527) Tutoring for Math 115. This is a 2 unit, credit/no credit "course" that provides generous tutorial assistance paid for by your registration. If you can afford the units, this is a good way to get help on specific problems.
    Regular use of my time outside of class or Math 99 should be especially useful for students having difficulty with the work and wishing to improve through a steady approach to mastering skills and concepts.

  • Don't be shy about asking for an appointment outside of the scheduled office hours

  • Math 115 Tentative Schedule 
    1 Introduction: Backgrounds and Key concepts 8-26 Introduction  8-27 What are Numbers? 
    Comparing Numbers:=,< 
    Sensible Precalc Ch 1.A
    Number Operations, equations. (1.4) 
    Visualizing: numbers & intervals. 
    Solving linear inequalities (1.5) 
    8-29 Solving inequalities (1.5) 
    The Pythagorean theorem. 
    8-30 Proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem 
    [Over 30 proofs !]
    [Many Java Applets proofs ]
    Similar triangles 
    Coordinate geometry. What's a function?
    2 Beginning Functions-Core functions and concepts. 9-2  No Class 
    Labor Day
    9-3 More on functions. 
    Graphs and mapping figures. 
    Lines and linear functions.
    9-5 Breath 9-6 Secant lines for graphs of functions.
    9-9.Overview of Core: algebraic. Other function qualities.Graphing with calculator  9-10    Symmetry wrt axes. 9-12 Properties of roots and exponents.A.9 Begin Exponential Functions. 9-13 Exponential functions and graphs: 
    What is e? 4.2
    4 Exponential functions 9-16  Compound interest  4.6(I) 9-17Composed Mapping figures. 
    Logarithms Introduction
    9-19 Logarithm definition.
    Basic properties of logs... and More on Exponential Applications- compound interest and growth.4.8 
    9-20 Basic properties of logs...Breath
    5 Logarithmic functions 9-23 Properties of logs and applications 9-24 .More on logs and exponents-solving equations 9-26 More on logs and exponents-solving equations  9-27  Computing with logs. Logarithmic scales. Slide rules? Breath
    6 9-30 Graphs using logarithmic scales.***LAB for 9-30***] 10-1 Example of using log and exp:  10-3 log and log-log scales 10-4 Reality Quiz #3
    Review of Key Triangles.
    7 Begin Right Triangle Trig 10-7 Brief look at The Logistic
    Overview of Core: trigonometric.Right Triangles
    10-8  Solving Right triangles. 10-10 Triangle trig: Inverse trig acute 10-11Triangle trig: Inverse trig acute
    Sine for obtuse angles.
    Law of Sines 
    8 Triangle Trig 10-14 .More law of sines.  10-15 Trig for obtuse angles. 
    Trig functions for all angles 
    10-17 Radian measure and circles in general.  10-18 Begin graphs of sine & cosine.
    10-21 More on graphs of sine and cosine. LAB for 10-21 10-22 Start Law of cosines. 10-24 Applications of triangle trig And Radian measure.  10-25 breath 
    10 Trig function graphs 10-28More on graphs of trig functions. 10-29 10-31Graphs of tan and sec.  11-1
    11 Trig Equations 11-4  Begin trig equations and
     inverse trig functions
    11-5  More inverse trig  11-7 More trig equations
    Begin Identities
    11-8 Trig identities.
    12 Trig Identities 11-11.More on Trig Identities
     -double angles!
    11-12 Double and half angles 11-14  Other  Addition formulae 11-15.Trig identites.
    Complex numbers and trig. 
    13 Polynomial Functions 11-18 Translation and scales for quadratics. 11-19 more on quadratics.

    Product to sum trig.

    11-21Graphs of polynomials 11-22
    Long division and factors of polys.
    14 Thanksgiving Break 11-25 No class 11-26 No Class 11-28 No Class 11-29 No Class
    15  12-2More on Polynomials  12-3  more on Polynomials and complex numbers. 12-5 Begin Rational functions
    Combining trig Functions?
    12-6 More on Rational functions- Begin lines review
    16 Pre-Calculus! 12-9.More lines and putting things together.  12-10 Putting functions together.Composition & Inverse functions 12-12 More difference quotients. 12-13 Much repair work!
    17 Final examinations 12-16 12-17. 12-18 12-19

    TentativeAssignments and Recommended Problems 
    See The Prentice Hall Web Site
    Last updated: 12-12-02
    Date Due
    Special Instructions & 
    * Interesting but Optional 
    1.4 8-29 p43: 13-25 odd
    1.5 8-29 p56: 13-59 odd
    Ch 1.B.1 8-30 Ch 1.B.1: 1(a,b), 3-7, 10, 14 1c, 2, 16
    A.1 8-30  7,10,13,...43, 46
    A.3. 8-30 3,11,19,27,39,47
    1.4 8-30 31,41, 89
    p9: 1, 3; note1 49, 29; 39
    p19: 1, 5, 7, 8, 13, 19, 23
    Sensible Precalc Ch 1.B.2 9-5&9-6
    p73: 71, 73, 59, 65, note2 35, 39, 47, 53
    p96: 13abc, 15abc, 47, 85, 80
    9-5 p 96: 61, 63, 67, 69  
    p108: 1, 3, 5, 7, 31
    9-6 p73:27-33 odd; 89,93
    9-6 p 111: 33, 35
    2.3[1] pp112-115 
    Do the reading FIRST! p123: 25,28,35
    9-10 p132: 1-8,15,16,19,27
    1.5[1], 2.3 
    p122:  11, 13, 14, 15, 17
    9-12 p 1064: 1,7,25,31,33,36, 41-46, 53,57
    4.2 pp287-288
    9-13 p 297: 1-3
    9-16 p 297:4, 5, 7, 9, 11-18,37, 38, 65 Seefor 19-22,25. $$ For 19-22,25:Ignore the text instruction.  For each function make a table of values, a transformation figure, and a graph.
    9-17 p335: 1, 3,5, 7, 9, 21, 25, 27, 11
    4.2 & 4.3 pp301-304 9-19 p298: $$29-34, 42, 61
    p310: 1, 11, 13, 19, 24, 27, 31, 35, 36
    $$ For 29-34:Ignore the text instruction.  For each function make a table of values, a composed transformation figure, and a graph.
    4.3 pp307-308 9-20 p310: 25,26,28-30,37-39,42,43,47,48
    85-88, 97,99
    4.3 & 
    4.4 pp 318-9
    9-23 p311: 89-94, 101, 103,111
    p321: 61, 62
    4.4 pp313-317,320 9-24 p321:3, 5, 6, 9, 25, 31, 39, 45, 51
    4.4 9-26 p321:  75, 77, 79
    4.5 & 4.3 pp307-309 9-26 p311: 85, 87, 91, 93;  p327: 1, 5, 9, 11, 12
    4.5 9-27 p311:  98;  p327: 17, 19, 21, 23, 29; 13, 15
    4.5 9-30 p327: 3, 14, 49, 53
    4.7 9-30 p347: 1, 2, 3
    4.7 10-1 p347: 5, 9, 11
    4.7 10-1 p347: 4, 12a,b,c, 13a,b,c, 15a
    REVIEW 10-3 p361: 11,13-16, 21-24,27,31,33,35,39,$$(43,51), 53,59,79,83 $$ For 43 and 51: Ignore the text instruction.  For each function make a table of values, a composed transformation figure, and a graph.
    p536: $$(1-8), 21, 23,35, 41
    $$ For 1-8 Find sine cosine and tangent for the given angle in the triangles.
    10-10 p536:  $$(1-8), 22,26,27, 37, 42, 43, 47, 52 $$ For 1-8 Find secant cosecant and cotangent for the given angle in the triangles.
    10-11 p536: 31,33, 39, 49, 57, 61
    7.2 pages 539-542
    10-14 p 547: 1-3, 5, 15, 29, 33 
    7.2 pages 543-546
    10-15 p 547: 9,11,13,17,23, 24, 31,39
    10-17 p411: 1-7odd,17-23 odd
    5.1 pp 368-372
    10-18 p379:1-35 odd
    10-21 p 395: 1,3,7, 9 -12, 23,29, 39, 43
    10-22 p 426: $$ (13,17, 21), 39-47 $$ For 13, 17, and 21:Ignore the text instruction.  For each function make a table of values, a composed transformation figure, and a graph.
    5.1 pp 372-377
    5.2 pp393-394
    5.3 pp399-404;409-410
    10-24 p379: 37-39, 45-47, 53, 55
    p396: 73-75
    p411:49-53; 103-104
    10-25 p555: 1-3, 7, 25, 27
    5.1 p377-378
    10-28 p380: 81, 85,87,89,97,99
    p555:13, 21, 28, 31
    10-29 p 426: 1-10,  $ (29-33 odd), $$( 15, 24, 53) $ For 29-33 odd :I gnore the text instruction. Graph each function. 
    $$ For 15, 25, and 53: Ignore the text instruction.  For each function make a table of values, a composed transformation figure, and a graph.
    10-31 p452:1-11 odd, 47, 48, 59, 60, 79, 83, 85
    p574: 19, 21, 51
    5.6: pp437-440
    11-4 p435: 1-10; 19, 21, 23, 35
    p446: 1,3,13, 17
    11-5 p468: 1-11 odd, 13-15, 45, 47
    p511: 1-5
    11-7 p468: 25-27, 33-35,49
    p474: 1-9odd; 13,19, 29, 33, 37
    11-8 p 511: 11-19 odd, 35-37
    11-8 p 480: 1-10
    11-11 p 480: 11,14,17,20,...,41 (every 3rd problem), 81, 85 Look at This PAGE on the web!
    11-12 p480: 51, 54, 57,... , (every 3rd problem) ,78
    6.5 pp 494. Example 1 only! 11-12 p501: [1,2, 7] DO a and b only.
    6.5. pp498-500 11-14  p501: [1,2,7] DO c and d only. 13,14, 51,53, 59, 60
    6.4 11-15 p 491: 11-21 odd, 23,24,31,32,41
    6.4, 6.5 11-18 p 491: 1-4, 7, 43, 53, 55, 59, 81
    p 501: 15, 45, 67
    87 (optional)
    6.6 pp503-504 11-21 p505:1,2
    3.1 pp174-182 11-19 p189: 1-8, 9,11,13,15,25-28
    3.1 pp182-187 11-21 p 189: 31,33,37,43,49,53,55,65, 69,73,81
    3.2 pp 195-198 middle
    3.3 pp 201-208
    11-22 p 200: 1-6
    p211: 1-13
    A3 Polynomial algebra
    A5 Polynomial Division
    12-2 p 1012: 3, 11,19,23,27,35 ,39,47, 63
    p 1028: 1-5, 19-21, 23, 24
    3.7  pp245-247 12-2 p257:1-5,73 
    3.7 p248-251 12-3 p257: 11-17 odd, 29, 53
    3.3 pp203-205 12-5 p211 : 17, 18, 19-25odd (a,b only), 65
    3.7 pp255-6 12-5 p258: 33,35,63, 65
    3.8  12-5 p263:1-5 odd, 11, 17, 35, 36
    3.4  12-6 p224: 1-7 odd; $$ (23, 29,30, 31); 35 $$ For 23, 29, 30, and 31 : Ignore the text instruction.  For each function make a table of values, a composed transformation figure, and a graph.
    2.1 12-10 p99: 73-79, 83,85
    2.3  12-10 p 123: 25-35 odd; 59-65 odd
    2.5 12-10 p145: 1-12, 23, 41, 51, 63ef
    Review for Quiz 8 12-12 p167: 1-3,7,18,19, 23,29,35, 61,65,67
     4.1 inverses 12-12 p284: 1-5,9-11, 15-17, 21-25odd,31-39 odd
    Review for Final 12-13 p 580: 1,3,4,5,6,8,9,11,12,13
    5.4 p419-425 p427: 49-56; 63-65; 85,86
    2.5  12-9 p145: 17-22, 25ab, 33, 37, 39, 55, 63abcd
    p189: 1-8, 25, 29, 33, 35, 37, 73
    p155: 1, 5, 13, 19, 35, 51
    p285: 15, 21, 31, 33, 35, 55, 61
    2.7, 3.1
    p194: 87, 75; p163: 1, 13, 23
    1.   For page 10, exercises 49 and 29, replace the given instructions by
    a. plot the given points.
    Then, for the two given points,
    b. determine the distance: include the horizontal, vertical, and straight-line distances.
    c. determine and plot the midpoint.
    2. For problems 35, 39, 47, 53, Give the equation in slope intercept form and draw a graph and a transformation figure for the given information.

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