Examples of transformation (mapping) figures
© 2000 M. Flashman.
created by Martin Flashman 1-28-01
Made using JavaSketchpad, a World-Wide-Web component of The Geometer's Sketchpad. Copyright ©1990-1998 by Key Curriculum Press, Inc. All rights reserved.

One variable controlling one variable: a linear example.
One variable controlling two variables.
Three variables controlling one variable.

One variable controlling one variable: a linear example.
Here is a dynamic transformation figure visualizing the function x -> ax+ b.
To change the values of a and b, drag the arrow points.
To change the value of x, move the point labeled x on its axis.
To change the scale of the figure move the the point labeled 1 on its axis.
Turn the animation on and/or off by clicking on the "animate x" button.
You can slow down or speed  up the animation by using the < and > keys.
See what you can discover about this type of function using this figure.

This dynamic sketch uses  JavaSketchpad, a World-Wide-Web component of The Geometer's Sketchpad.

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One variable controlling two variables.

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The single variable t controls two variables x(t) and y(t) visualized by a (plane position) vector.
To erase the points left by the tracing use the red x in the corner of the java window.

Three variables controlling one variable.

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The three variables a, b, and c, determined by a point in space, control the one variables w(x,y,z), visualized by a point on the W - axis.