Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | |
1-Rigid Plane Geometry | 26/ | 27/Introduction/
Pythagorean theorem The puzzle problem Regular polygons. 1 figure tilings. |
28/Tangrams/ regular 1 figure tilings
Equidecomposable Polygons Symmetry & Isometry: Introduction |
29/semiregular 2 figure tilings/ |
2 Rigid Space Geometry Planar and Space.
Similarity. |
2/Generation of Isometries/ classification | 3/Isometries and symmetries- generating tilings from more interesting
figures. Introduction to Space: cross sections and casting shadows. |
4/ Regular and semi-regular polyhedra
Symmetry in space Begin Similarity and Orthogonal Projection |
5/More on regular and semi-regular polyhedra Space Isometries
3 Inversion. Projective Geometry. Topology of Planar Networks | 9/More Similarity Applied
Projections:Orthogonal vs. Central. Coincidences Networks in the plane (sphere). |
10/Begin Inversion.
More on Projective geometry- The Projective Line & Point at Infinity. The Euler Formula for the plane (sphere) |
11/The Torus- flattened. Networks on the Torus.
Perspectivities and Projectivities. Inversion - Circles and Lines. |
12/Application of Inversion
Dimension - coordinates The Utility Problem. |
4 Topology of the plane and space. Surfaces. Non-Euclidean Geometries | 16/
The Color Problem Non-Euclidean Geometry and inversion. Perspective and projection in drawing. |
17/ The Projective Plane Finite Projective geometries. Duality Mathematical Models Uncountably infinitely many points on a line segment. Space Filling Curves- Fractals. Begin: the Mobius Band and the Klein Bottle |
18/More on Fractals
The Conics - Euclidean view. Desargues Configurations |
19/Closing - Bianchon and Pascal Conic Configurations The Conics - Projective View Orientable and non-orientable surfaces. Classification of Surfaces. Turning the sphere inside out. Handout- Some details on the five color theorem. |