Martin Flashman
Department of Mathematics
Humboldt State University
Arcata, CA 95521
EMAIL:  flashman at
HSU:707-826-4950 (office/voice mail)
707-826-3140 (FAX)


Due to changes to the HSU web organization, this site is under major reorganization.
Links are being reconfigured and may be inactive or incorrect.
Many older pages need reworking to be made handicapped accessible.
Links starting with "" need to be readdressed with ""
I continue to work on it.
Flash     :)
7- 14-10

Please send suggestions and comments to Martin Flashman
E-Mail: flashman at
Phone: 707-826-4950
Fax: 707-826-3140
Office: BSS 356

Most recent update: 7-14-10

My old web page ( a framed webpage for limited reference only).
HSU Math Department Home Page.
Humboldt State Univ. Home Page.