Problem II: Taylor / Maclaurin Polynomial Estimate for An Important Integral from Probability

What is the area of the region in the plane bounded by the X-axis, X=0, X=1 and `Y = e^{-X^2}`?     or  
what is  `int_0^1 e^{-x^2} dx` ?

What does your calculator give for an estimate?
What do you find when you integrate this with a TI 89?
What does Winplot give for an estimate?

The computer algebra system MAPLE gave an estimate of 0.7468241330
for this integral.
Winplot gave a midpoint estimate with n = 10 of  0.74713;with n = 1000 the estimate was 0.72682.

Problem 1: Find a fourth degree polynomial P(x) where  P(0) = P '(0) = P''(0) = P'''(0) = 1.

Solution:  `P(x) = 1 + x + {x^2}/2 + {x^3}/{2*3) + {x^4}/{4!}`

First we follow the idea of Problem 1 by estimating f (x) = ex with polynomials.

The key concept is to use information about derivatives to design the polynomial.
At x = 0, we find that f(0) = 1, f '(0) =1, and since f '(x) = f(x) we have that f (n)(0) = 1 for all natural numbers n. We now consider the key result, typical of the Taylor's theory approach to estimation using polynomials based on derivative information.

If   `P_n(x) = 1 + x + {x^2}/2 + {x^3}/{2*3) + {x^4}/{4!} + {x^5}/{5!} +...+ {x^n}/{n!} ` then Pn(x) is the unique polynomial of degree n so that

` P_n(0) = P_n '(0) = P_n''(0) =...= P_n^{(n)}(0) = 1`

and Pn(b) is approximately equal to eb.
In fact, if we let the error in this estimation be denoted by Rn = eb - Pn(b) [ so
eb = Pn(b) + Rn ]
then for some c between 0 and b

 `R_n = e^c  {b^{n+1}}/{(n+1)!}`.

Proof:  [Discuss this at the end of  the presentation if time permits.]

To illustrate the key ideas of Taylor's theory, we start by estimating the number e with a polynomial. 

Estimating e: We apply the theorem using n = 5 to estimate the value of e [= e1].
First,  ` P_5(x) = 1 + x + {x^2}/2 + {x^3}/{2*3) + {x^4}/{4!} + {x^5}/{5!} = 1 + x + {x^2}/2 + {x^3}/6 + {x^4}/24 + {x^5}/120 `.
So according to the theorem, e is approximately equal to 

` P_5(1) =1 + 1 + {1^2}/2 + {1^3}/6 + {1^4}/24 + {1^5}/120 ~~ 2.716667`

and R5 = e - P5(1) where `R_5 = e^c  {1^6}/{6!} = e^c 1/720 ` for some c between 0 and 1. 

Thus, e is approximately 2.716667 and the error in using this estimate is R5. Since c is between 0 and 1, ec is between 1 and e, so we can deduce that R5, the difference between e and the estimate, P5(1), is no greater than e/720. Using estimates of e from your earlier work we know that e < 3, so our errror R5 is no larger than `3/720 = 1/240`.

A more accurate estimate can be obtained by using a larger value for n. Try using n=6 and 7 to see the improvement. [This can be done progressively using a spreadsheet which you can examine now or later.]

We are now ready to estimate `int_0^1 e^{-t^2} dt`.

Solution: For each t between 0 and 1, -t2 is between -1 and 0. Let x = -t2. By our theorem with n = 4, for each x between -1 and 0 we have

`0 < e^x = P_4(x) + R_4(x) = 1 + x + {x^2}/2 + {x^3}/6 + {x^4}/24 + R_4(x)`
  where `R_4(x) = e^c {x^5}/120` for some c with 0>c>x.

Since c < 0 , 0 < ec < 1, and since x < 0 we have that `0 > R_4(x) > {x^5}/120`.

Substituting -t2 for x ,we see that

` e^{-t^2} = 1 + (-t^2) + {(-t^2)^2}/2 + {(-t^2)^3}/6 + {(-t^2)^4}/24 + R_4(-t^2)`
`= 1 + (-t^2) + {t^4}/2 - {t^6}/6 + {t^8}/24 + R_4(-t^2)`

Now since `0 > R_4(-t^2) > {(-t^2)^5}/120 = {-t^10}/120` we have `int_0^1 P_4(-t^2) dt > int_0^1 e^{-t^2} dt > int_0^1 P_4(-t^2) - {t^10}/120 dt`.

By evaluating these integrals we obtain

`1 - 1/3 +1/10 - 1/42 + 1/216 > int _0^1 e^{-t^2} dt > 1 -1/3 + 1/10 - 1/42 + 1/216 -  1/1320` .


`int_0^1 e^{-x^2} dx ~~ 1 - 1/3 +1/10 - 1/42 + 1/216  ~~ 0.747486.`

and this is an overestimate by no more than `1/1320`.

Comment: We have been able to estimate a definite integral involving the exponential function by using a Taylor polynomial of degree 4. It should be apparent that by using a higher degree for the estimating polynomial, the error term will become smaller and we will obtain a more precise estimate. The systematic pattern in these polynomials should allow you to find more precise estimates for `int_0^1 e^{-x^2} dx` without much difficulty.

Proof of Proposition:  We'll begin our proof by finding Pn'(x).

`P_n'(x) = 1 + x + {x^2}/2  + {x^3}/{2*3} + {x^4}/{4!} + ... +{nx^{n-1}}/{n!} `
`= 1 + x + {x^2}/2 + {x^3}/{2*3} + {x^4}/{4!} + ... + {x^{n-1}}/{(n-1)!} = P_{n-1}(x)`

From this it follows easily that ` P_n(0) = P_n '(0) = P_n''(0) =...= P_n^{(n)}(0) = 1`.
Now suppose that b is not  0 and let Rn = eb - Pn(b).
We need only justify the formula for evaluating Rn. For convenience we'll write R = Rn and let

`g(t) = e^t * P_n(b-t) + R* {(b-t)^{n+1}}/{b^{n+1}}`.
`g(b) = e^b * P_n(b-b) + R* {(b-b)^{n+1}}/{b^{n+1}} = e^b*P_n(0) = e^b`, while `g(0) = e^0 * P_n(b-0) + R* {(b-0)^{n+1}}/{b^{n+1}} = P_n(b) + R = e^b` from the definition of R.

Furthermore `g'(t) = e^t*P_n(b-t) - e^t*P_n'(b-t) - R* {(n+1)(b-t)^n}/{b^{n+1}}`
`= e^t* [P_n(b-t) - P_n'(b-t)] - R*{(n+1)(b-t)^n}/{b^{n + 1}}`
But `P_n(x) - P_n'(x) = {x^n}/{n!}, so 
`g'(t) = e^t*{(b-t)^n}/{n!} - R* {(n+1)(b-t)^n}/{b^{n+1}}`.

Now we apply the Mean Value (or Rolle's) Theorem to the function g, we can say that there is a number c between 0 and b where g'(c)=0. Thus

`0 = g'(c) = e^c*{(b-t)^n}/{n!} - R* {(n+1)(b-t)^n}/{b^{n+1}}` 

`e^t*{(b-t)^n}/{n!} = R* {(n+1)(b-t)^n}/{b^{n+1}}`.
Solving this last equation for R gives `R_n = R = e^c {b^{n+1}}/{(n+1)!}.