Example QF.2.1 : $A =-2; q(x) = -2x^2$
This is best understood as the composition of the core quadratic function $g(x)= x^2$ followed by the linear function $f(x) = -2x$, so $q(x) = f(g(x))$.
Draw a mapping diagram yourself or  use the diagram created with GeoGebra to explore the diagram further.
Compare the mapping diagram with the graphs of $g(x)$ and $q(x)$
Graphs of $g(x)$ and $q(x)$

Mapping Diagram Showing Composition.
Given a point / number, $x$, on the source line, there is a blue arrow meeting the target line at the point / number, $-2x^2$.
This point corresponds to the quadratic function's value for $x$.
The values for the core mapping diagram for $x^2$ in green are magnified by a factor of $-2$  shown by the red arrows.

As $x$ increases, $q(x)$ increases to value $q(0)=0$ and then decreases.