OFFICE: Fowler
PHONE: (323) 259- 2555
Hours (Tent.): M-F 11:30-12:30 AND BY APPOINTMENT or chance!
Introduction to mathematical thinking. Investigation of mathematical patterns in counting, reasoning, motion and change, shape, symmetry, and position.
CORE REQUIREMENT MET: FORMAL METHODS OF REASONINGSCOPE: In this course we will explore topics in mathematics
that have arisen from attempts to define and explain the visual aspects of
experience, such as number, motion, symmetry, space dimension, and surface.
Limitations, unexpected consequences and applications resulting from the
development of these concepts illustrate the power of mathematics to measure, to translate, to transform,
and to classify. Lectures will discuss topics not covered in the text as
well as those treated in the text.
Readings and materials will be from the assigned texts
and materials linked to the course on the world wide web as appropriate.
Course Objectives (taken from prior Math 105's):
The following are some of the objectives I hope we can accomplish together
through this course this semester.
* Read expository mathematics with understanding and
* Appreciate the breadth of what mathematics is and the
beauty of it as a subject of inquiry and as a tool for explaining phenomena
in the world.
* Articulate mathematical ideas in both oral and written
* Work together on mathematics in small groups.
Blackboard/Moodle. We will use Blackboard as one of the
learning and feedback tools in this class. In addition to keeping you
updated with class assignments and expectations and making announcements
as needed, I will post regular class notes and quizzes that will address both issues
brought up in the readings and from in-class and at-home activities.
The first thing you must do is enroll yourself into this course on Blackboard.
To do so, follow these steps:
* Logon to Blackboard (at
* Click on the COURSES tab
* Select the MATHEMATICS department from the course catalogue
* On the list of courses available, find MATH AS
* … you will see an ENROLL button
* Select it and this should enroll you in the course
You should then take some time to explore the site to see where I will post
various things, including the assignments. Again,
it is important for you to check Blackboard regularly – I would advise at
least twice a week – and keep up with the assignments and expectations as
posted there.
A preliminary portfolio entry should be submitted
for preview feedback and advice no later than February 17th.
A second entry is due for review no later than March 10th.
A third entry is due for review no later than April 7th.
A fourth and any more entries are due for review no later than April
*The entire complete and revised portfolio is due by Thursday, April 27th before 5 pm.
If you are working toward the
grade of B or A you will need to submit additional entries with your
portfolio. You may obtain optional feedback on these (if you
desire it) by bringing them to me for preview during my office
hours or by appointment. I recommend producing an entry almost
weekly for the grade of A and then selecting your best efforts for your
A portfolio entry can report on the content of reading, illustrate it by examples, work through several related exercises and activities if available and/or follow up on it with an individual response and creativity.
The content of the portfolio
entry should relate specifically and directly to some visual mathematics.
Personal observations, philosophical musings, and aesthetical judgments are
not adequate connections to something visual by themselves to qualify as
mathematical content.
Suggested resources for the entries may
be found on the Assignment
and Reading List.
Portfolios will be due for
grading on Thursday, April 27th before
5 P.M.
Honesty: I
expect the highest level of academic honesty from all of my students. You should read the appropriate sections of the Student
Handbook that discuss the “Spirit of Honor” and Academic Honesty. Any instance of plagiarism or cheating will be dealt
with strictly and in accordance with the procedures found in the Handbook.
Copying someone’s homework or problem set solutions
is considered cheating. Including other sources
in your papers without appropriate quotes and citations is considered plagiarism. You may discuss ideas and problems as appropriate,
but what you ultimately write and submit must be your own work, written up
independently of others.
The Project.
Each student will participate in a course project as a part of a team. Each
team will have three or four members. These projects will be designed with
assistance from myself. The quality of the project
will be used for determining letter grades above the C level. Ideas for projects
will be discussed during the third week.
here for Project Proposal Guidelines and Suggestions
Preliminary Project Proposals should be submitted for first review by
5 p.m., February 17th.
Projects should be
submitted for grading by Wednesday, April 26th before 5 P.M.
A Project Fair will be organized for displays and presentations
during the last day of class. Details will be discussed later.
ADVICE: I am available during office hours and by appointment
to consult with individuals or partnerships on particular portfolio entries
and/or project ideas. Don't be shy!
Technology: The computer offers a very useful tool to enhance visual and computational understanding as well as a powerful device for discoverying and presenting resources on the world wide web. An optional lab time may be organized that will be devoted to a number of different projects as well as working with mathematical software tools, such as Wingeom, Winplot, Windisc. (The software we use is all freeware available from the www site of Rick Parris or from me.) A short list of world wide web sites for further reading will be organized on a weekly basis with materials specifically related to the course topics.
GRADES: Four or more absences without extenuating circumstances may be justification for a grade of F.
Otherwise final grades will be determined by taking into consideration the quality of work done in the course as evidenced primarily by work on in-class activities, assignments, projects, and portfolios.
**Only the letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F
will be given. (No + or -'s)
Minimum Standards:
** For the grade of C or CR a student must at least
(1) have satisfactory attendance and participation,
(2) have a satisfactory record on the assignments
and class activities (about 80% +'s),
(3) have participated responsibly on a satisfactory
group project,
(4) have passed (8/10) at least 60% of the course quizzes,
and (5) have submitted a portfolio with at least
4 entries.
** Without
some compensating work, missing components of the mimimum standards for
the grade of C or CR may result in a grade of D or F.
** For the grade of B (or A) a student must at least
(1) be qualified for a grade of C,
(2) have passed (8/10) at least 80% of the course quizzes,
and (3) submit a portfolio with at least 2 (or 5) entries beyond the work submitted for grade of C.
The portfolio's quality will be used also to determine the final
grade .
Students wishing to be graded with either
CR or NC should make this request using the on-line registration web site.
Last updated:1-18-06