Martin Flashman's Courses - Math 115 Summer, '99

Algebra and Elementary Functions
July 6 -August 12, 1999 MTWR 0900-1150 SH 128 
  • Course Assignments: Text Problem lists
  • Course Daily Schedule Plan (subject to change)
  • Precalculus (and Calculus websites)
  • Review Algebra I and II materials (web course)

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    OFFICE: Library 48     E-MAIL:        PHONE:826-4950
    Hours (Tent.): 12:00-12:50 M-R               AND BY APPOINTMENT or by CHANCE!

  • PREREQUISITE: Math code 40 (or better) or permission.
  • TEXT: Precalculus Mathematics, 4th Ed. by Larson & Hostetler (Houghton Mifflin, 1997)
  • SCOPE: We will cover topics primarily from the preliminaries and chapters 1-6 in L/H. Supplementary materials will be provided as appropriate.
  • TESTS and ASSIGNMENTS:  Homework assignments are made regularly.

  • These assignments will be discussed in class on a daily basis. The reality check quizzes (done outside class) and in-class tests will have similar problems. There  will  be  five in-class tests  (15-30 minutes)  usually  given on Mondays.

    The final examination for the course will be comprehensive and will be held Thursday, August 13th during class time.

    It is the student's responsibility to request a makeup promptly,
    especially for  especially for unauthorized absence.
  • GRADES: Final grades will be determined from the total number of points accumulated as follows:
  • Tests 1-5   best 4 scores             400
    Reality Quizzes                           150
    Final Exam                                   250
    Total Available Points                 800
    ** Students wishing to be graded with either CR or NC should make this request to the Adm & Rec office in writing.  See the Summer Session course list for a full list of relevant days. 
  • COMPUTERS:  During this course the computer will be used in class for some problems.We may meet in Science D 017, a PC-computer lab, when announced, for more expereince with computers.  We will use WinPlot,  X(PLORE), and Geometer's Sketchpad. You may need one 3 1/2" disc on which you can  keep your own work. Winplot  is freeware and can be obtained from me or over the internet. A version of X(PLORE) is available at the bookstore for  MAC based PC's along with the PC version we will use. For a version of X(PLORE) for  Windows 95 or version of the older version for DOS (which I use) here is a link to X(PLORE) for DOS and Windows.

  • Graphing Calculators: Graphing calculators are welcome and highly recommended. If you would like to purchase one or have one already, let me know. I try to help those with their own technology when possible during office hours or by appointment (not in class). I will use the HPG for some in-class work though most graphing calculators will be able to do much of this work. Supplementary materials will be distributed if needed. [HP48G's will be available for students to borrow for the term by arrangement with the Math department.] 
  • Math 115 TentativeSchedule 
    General Key after week 1. A is for general algebra. B is for logs and exponentials. C is for trigonometry
    1 Introduction: Backgrounds and Key concepts
    No class
    7/6: A.Introduction 
    B. What are Numbers? Comparing Numbers:=,< 
    C. The Pythagorean theorem.
    7/7: A. Number Operations, equations 
    C. Similar triangles
    7/8: A. Solving inequalities 
    B.Visualizing: numbers & intervals 
    C.Properties of roots and exponents.
    2 Beginning Functions-Core functions and concepts.
    7/12 A. Solving inequalities 
    B. Coordinate geometry. 
    C.What's a function?
    7/13 Test 1 
    A.More on functions. 
    B. Graphs and mapping figures.  
    C.Symmetry wrt axes.
    7/14 A.Overview of Core: algebraic. 
    B.More on Exponential functions 
    C.Overview of Core: trigonometric.Right Triangles
    7/15 A. 
    B.Applications of exponents- compund interest and growth. 
    C.Solving Right triangles.
    3 Triangle trig and logarithms
    7/19 A.Graphing with calculatord 
    B. Triangle trig: Inverse trig acute. Sine for obtuse angles.  Law of Sines 
    C. Exponential functions and graphs. Logarithm definition.
    7/20 Test 2 
    B. Trig for obtuse angles. More law of sines.  
    C. Basic properties of logs and applications
    7/21 A. 
    B. Trig functions for all angles 
    C.Properties of logs and applications
    7/22 A.  
    B. Radian measure. 
    Law of cosines. 
    C.More on logs and exponents-solving equations
    7/26 Test 3 
    B. Applications of triangle trig And Radian measure. 
    C.More on logs and exponents-solving equations
    7/27 A.  
    B. Radian measure and circles in general. Begin graphs of sine & cosine. 
    C.Example of using log and exp: The Logistic
    7/28 A. Translation and scales for quadratics. 
    B. More on graphs of trig functions. 
    C.Computing with logs. Logarithmic scales. Slide rules?
    7/29 A. more on quadratics. 
    B.  More on graphs of sine and cosine. 
    C. Graphs using logarithmic scales.
    8/2 Test 4 
    A. Graphs of polynomials 
    B. Graphs of tan and sec. 
    C.Begin trig identities.
    8/3 A.More on Polynomials  
    B. Begin trig equations 
    C.More on Trig Identities
    8/4 A. Long division and factors of polys. 
    B. Begin inverse trig functions 
    8/5 A. Begin Rational functions 
    B. More inverse trig 
    C Addition formula
    8/9 Test 5. 
    A. More on Rational functions- Begin lines 
    B.More trig equations 
    C.Double and half angles &
    A. More lines 
    B. Other  Trig identites.Complex numbers and trig. 
    C. Putting functions together.Composition & Inverse functions
    8/12 Final Examination

    Assignments and Recommended Problems
    Last updated: 7/20/99
    Section                          Problems (*= interesting but optional) 

    7/7 -> P.1 (Numbers)  1-9 odd; 13-25 odd; 29, 30; 47-51 odd; 71-74; 81-85 odd; 97-113 odd
    7/7  ->P.5 (Equations) (i) 1-5 odd; 7-10; 15, 18, 21, 24, 27,... 36, 39;41-51odd
    7/8 ->                   (ii) 57-63 odd; 71-81 odd; 84, 85, 87,89,91,93; 123, 124
    7/8 -> P.2                      1,4,7,10,... ,70, 107
    7/8 -> P.6 (Inequalities)(i) 1-19 odd; 21,24,27,30,33, 36; 37-44; 57, 59, 61,62
    7/12 ->                       (ii) 63-75 odd;,85-88; 91-93; 101,102
    7/12 ->P.8 (2 dim'l data)1-21 odd; 26-28; 31,32; 35,36;46-48

    7/13 -> 1.1 (graphs/eq'ns)(i) 1-7odd; 9-12; *92(a,b)
     7/14->   (symm./circles) (ii) 23-27 odd;29,30;33-38; 39-45odd; 69-71;*75,79,81
    7/13->1.3 (functions)       (i)1-9, 23, 24, 25-33 odd, 37-40 also draw mapping figure for 37-40 (see handout)
    7/14->                           (ii) 43- 60 odd; 61- 64; 71, 72, 74,76; 79, 81, 85
    7/15->1.4 (more)            1-11 odd, 19-22 (a only);47-53 odd; 57-59

    7/14 ->3.1 (298-300)     (i) 1-6, 15-20
    7/15 ->     (301-304)     (ii) 21-26
    7/15 ->                          (iii) 29, 37
    7/19 ->                     (iv) 47-49, 51; 35, 36; 57, 61
    7/20->                      (v)59, 63
    7/20 -> 3.2 (310-311) (i) 1-6; 9-14; 19-27; 31-34
    7/21->                      (ii) 7,8,15-17, 29,30,35-39;45-50; 71, 72, 78
    7/21->3.3                 (i) 19, 22, 25,..., 37; 41, 44, 47,  59
    7/22->                     (ii) 3-17odd; 49-58; 69-79 odd; 89
    7/26->3.4                 (i) 1- 9 odd
    7/26->                     (ii) 11-19 odd; 27,30,...,45; 55-61 odd
    7/27->                     (iii) 85-92
    7/27 & 28 ->3.5   (i) 7-13,21; 25-27; 31-37 odd, 45; 57, 59; 74

    7/15 -> 4.3                 (i) 1-8( sin , cos, tan only); 37;57-60
    7/19 ->              (ii) 1-8( csc, sec, cot only);  9-11; 19,20; 38-42; 61-64; 65, 67,69
    7/22->4.4                 (i)  1-7 odd; 13-15, 19; 35-38; 43-45;53-55;75-77,83
    7/26&27&28-> 4.1                 5-14; 25-32;39-46; 71-73

    7/20 -> 6.1                 (i) 1-4,7,8,26
    7/21->                     (ii)  5,6, 13,14,17-20; 29,33,39,40
    7/26->6.2                 (i) 1-5, 8, 9,10,23,26,31,33
    7/27&28->                      (ii) 7, 14,15, 17, 28, 37 

    7/27->4.2                 1-21 odd; 31-35; 45- 51; 59, 60
    7/28&29, 8/2-> 4.5     1-21 odd;  31-37 odd; 49, 51, 61-64; 69-76;83-86
    8/3 ->  4.6                 1-8; 55-58
                          9-17,21,27,31-35,65, 67, 69, 79, 80
    8/5-> 4.7                 Warm-ups..1-10.
                          1-25 odd; 35-39; 45-57 odd,83
    8/11?-> 4.8                 3,13, 19,25, 27,49, 51 

    8/4 -> 5.3                 5-27 odd, 65
    8/3 -> 5.1 Read p 458  2,5,7,8; warmup 1-4; 19-24;31-39 odd; 71,73,75
    5.2   8/4->                  1-15
             8/5->                 16-30
              8/9->                30-45
    8/9 ->  5.4                 7-19 odd;21-24; 31-34;47-52; *78
    8/10-> 5.5    read 493-498 1-4;9,11,23,35-37,45,47,103 

    7/29 -> 2.1                   1-8; 9-21 odd;37-41 odd,43-45;47;51;53
    2.5                   1,4,7,10,13,..., 49; 65-71 odd
    8/2 -> 2.1                   61,63,65,67
    8/5 ->2.2                   1-8, 9; 27-36;43,47-52;*78
    8/5 -> 2.3(w/o synth div) 7-17 odd, 45, 67-71 odd
    8/10-> 2.7                   1-12
    8/10-> 1.? On lines.. assigned in class.

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