Math 344 Notes Fall '08 August 2008: This page uses MathML. It is viewed best with either Mozilla/Firefox/Netscape 7+ or Internet Explorer 6+ MathPlayer .
Martin Flashman's Courses
MATH 344 Linear Algebra Fall, 2008
Currently based on  Fall, 2003
Class Notes and Summaries

week 2 9-1
No Class
week 3 9-8
week 4
week 5
week 6
week 7
week 8
week 9[exam!] 10-20
week 10
week 11
week 12
week 13
week 14

week 15
week 16

8-27 Completed discussion of course organization.




  • Abstract Vector Spaces

  • 9-17


  • Do Examples
  • F[X] = { f in F, where f(n) = 0 for all but a finite number of n.} < F

  • 9-24

  • (Internal) Sums , Intersections,  and Direct Sums of Subspaces

  • Suppose U1, U2,  ... , Un are all subspaces of V.
  • Definition:  U1+ U2+  ... + Un = {v in V where v = u1+ u2+  ... + un for  uk in Uk , k = 1,2,...,n} called the (internal) sum of the subspaces.

  • Facts: (i) U1+ U2+  ... + Un < V.
    (ii)  Uk < U1+ U2+  ... + Un for each k, k= 1,2,...,n.
    (iii) If W<V and Uk < W for each k, k= 1,2,...,n, then U1+ U2+  ... + Un <W.
    So ...
    U1+ U2+  ... + Un is the smallest subspace of V that contains Uk for each k, k= 1,2,...,n.
  • Examples:

  • U1 = {(x,y,z): x+y+2z=0} U2 = {(x,y,z): 3x+y-z=0}. U1 + U2 = R3.

    Let Uk = {f in P(F): f(x) = akxk  where ak is in F} . Then U0+ U1+ U2+  ... + Un = {f : f (x) = a0 + a1x + a2x2 + ...+ anxn where a0 ,a1 ,a2,...,an are in F}.

  • Definition:  U1 `cap` U2`cap`  ... `cap` Un = {v in V where v is in Uk , for all k = 1,2,...,n} called the intersection of the subspaces.

  • Facts:(i) U1`cap` U2`cap`  ... `cap` Un < V.
    (ii)   U1`cap`U2`cap`  ... `cap` Un < Uk for each k, k= 1,2,...,n.
    (iii) If W<V and W < Uk for each k, k= 1,2,...,n, then W<U1`cap` U2`cap`  ... `cap` Un .
    So ...
    U1`cap` U2`cap`  ... `cap` Un is the largest subspace of V that is contained  in Uk for each k, k= 1,2,...,n.
    Examples: U1 = {(x,y,z): x+y+2z=0} U2 = {(x,y,z): 3x+y-z=0}. U1 `cap` U2 = {(x,y,z): x+y+2z=0 and 3x+y-z=0}= ...
    Let Uk = {f in P(F): f(x) = akxk  where ak is in F} then Uj`cap`Uk = {0} for j not equal to k.

    Suppose V is a v.s over F and  `U_1` and `U_2` are subspaces of V. We say that V is the direct sum of  U1 and U2 and we write
    V = `U_1` `oplus` `U_2` if (1) `U_1` + `U_2` and (2) U1`cap` U2 = {0}.

    Prop: Suppose V = `U_1` `oplus` `U_2`  and `v in V`, v = `u_1 + u_2 = w_1 + w_2 ` with `u_i` and `w_i` are in `U_i` for i = 1 and 2.
    Then  `u_i = w_i` for i = 1,2.
    Conversely,  if V = `U_1` + and  `U_2` and if v = `u_1 + u_2 =  w_1 + w_2 ` with `u_i` and `w_i` are in `U_i` for i = 1 and 2.
    implies  `u_i = w_i` for i = 1,2 then V = `U_1`  `oplus`  `U_2`.

    Proof:  From the hypothesis, `u_1 _ (- w_1) =  w_2 + (- u_2) in U_1` and `U_2`, so it is in `U_1 cap U_2` = {0}. Thus ... `u_i = w_i` for i = 1, 2.
    Conversely: if `v  in  U_1 nn U_2`  then v =  v + 0  = 0 + v, so v = 0. Thus V = ` U_1` `oplus` `U_2`.

    To generalize the direct sum  to U1, U2,  ... , Un, we would start by assuming V = U1 + U2 +  ... + Un.
    We might try to generalize the intersection property by assuming that `U_i` `oplus` `U_j` = {0} for  all i and j that are not equal. This won't work .

    Discuss Exercise: If U and W are subspaces of V and U `uu` W  is also a subspace of V, then either U < W or W < U.

    Direct Sums: 
    Suppose U1, U2,  ... , Un are all subspaces of V and U1+ U2+  ... + Un = V, we say V is the direct sum of U1, U2,  ... , Un if for any v in V, the expression of v as v = u1+ u2+  ... + un for  uk in Uk is unique, i.e., if v = u1'+ u2'+  ... + un' for  uk' in Uk then u1 = u1', u2=u2', ... , un=un'. In these notes we will write 
    V = U1
    `oplus` U2 `oplus`...`oplus` Un
    Examples:Uk = {v in Fn: v = (0,... 0,a,0, ... 0) where a is in F is in the kth place on the list.} Then U1`oplus` U2`oplus`  ... `oplus` Un = V.

    Theorem:  V =  U1`oplus` U2`oplus`  ... `oplus` Un if and only if (i)U1+ U2+  ... + Un = V AND 0=u1+ u2+  ... + un for  uk in Uk implies u1=u2=...=un=0.
    Theorem: V = U`oplus`W if and only if V = U+W and U`cap`W={0}.

    Examples using subspaces and direct sums in appplications:
    Suppose A is a square matrix (n by n) with entries in the field F.
    For c in F, let Wc = { v in Fn where vA = cv}.
    Fact: For any A and any c,  Wc< Fn . [Comment: for most c, Wc= {0}. ]
    Definition: If Wc is not the trivial subspace, then c is called an eigenvalue or characteristic value for the matrix A and nonzero elements of Wc  are called eigen vectors or characteristic vectors for A.

    Application 1 : Consider the coke and pepsi matrices:

    Example A.  
    vA = cv? where


      Example B.  
      vB = cv where


    Questions: For which c is Wc non-trivial?
    To answer this question we need to find (x,y) [not (0,0)] so that

    Example A


    )= c(x,y)
      Example B


      )= c(x,y)
    Is R2 = Wc1 + Wc2 for these subspaces? Is this sum direct?

    Focusing on Example B we consider for which will the matrix equation have a nontrivial solution (x,y)?
    We consider the  equations:  2/3 x +1/4 y = cx and 1/3 x+3/4 y = cy.
    Multiplying by 12 to get rid of the fractions and bringing the cx and cy to the left side we find that
    c)x + 3 y = 0 and 4x + (9-12c)y = 0

    Multiplying by 4 and (8-12c) then subtracting the first equation from the second we have
    ((8-12c)(9-12c)  - 12 )y = 0. For this system to have a nontrivial  solution, it must be that
    c  - 12 ) = 0 or  `72 - (108+96)  c+144c^2 -12 = 0`  or
    `60 -204c +144c^2 = 0`.
    Clearly one root of this equation is 1, so factoring we have (1-c)(60-144c) = 0 and c = 1 and c = 5/12 are the two solutions... so there are exactly two distinct eigenvalues for example B,
    c= 1 and c = 5/12  and two non trivial eigenspaces
    W1  and W5/12 .

    General Claim: If c is different from k, then Wc `cap` Wk = {0}
    What does this mean for  vn  when n is large?
    Does the distribution of vn when n is large depend on v0?

    Application 2: For c a real number let
    Wc = {f in C(R) where f '(x)=c f(x)} < C(R).
    What is this subspace explicitly?
    Let V={f in C(R) where f ''(x) - f(x) = 0} < C(R).
    Claim: V = W1 `oplus` W-1
      We'll come back to this later in the course!

    If c is different for k, then Wc `cap` Wk = {0}

    Back to looking at things from the point of view of individual vectors:
    Linear combinations:

    Suppose S is a set of vectors in a vector space V over the field F. We say that a vector v in V is a linear combination of vectors in S if there are vectors u1, u2,  ... , un in S  and scalars a1, a2,  ..., an in F where v = a1u1+ a2u2+  ... + anun .
    Comment: For many introductory textbooks: S is a finite set.
    Recall. Span (S) = {v in V where v is a linear combination of vectors in S}
    If S is finite and Span (S) = V we say that S spans V and V is a "finite dimensional" v.s.

    Linear Independence.
    Def'n. A set of vectors S is linearly dependent
    if there are vectors u1, u2,  ... , un in S  and scalars
    `alpha_1, alpha_2,  ..., alpha_n in F` NOT ALL 0 where `0 = alpha_1u_1+ alpha_2u_2+  ... + alpha_n u_n` .
    A set of vectors S is linearly independent  if it is not linearly dependent.

    Other ways to characterize linearly independent.
    A set of vectors S is linearly independent  if  whenever there are vectors u1, u2,  ... , un in S  and scalars 
    `alpha_1, alpha_2,  ..., alpha_n in F` in F where `0 = alpha_1u_1+ alpha_2u_2+  ... + alpha_n u_n` , the scalars are all 0, i.e. `alpha_1, alpha_2,  ..., alpha_n = 0` .

    Examples: Suppose A is an n by m matrix: the row space of A= span ( row vectors of A) , the column space of A = Span(column vectors of A).
    Relate to R(A)

    Recall R(A) = "the range space of A" = { w in Fk where for some v in Fn, vA= w  } <  Fk
    w is in R(A) if and only if w is a linear combination of the row vectors, i.e., R(A) = the row space of A.
    If you consider  Av instead of vA, the R*(A) = the column space of A.

    "Infinite dimensional" v.s. examples: P(F), F, C (R)
    F[X] was shown to be infinite dimensional. [ If  p is in SPAN(p1,....,pn) then the degree of p is no larger than the maximum of the degrees of {p1,}. So F[X] cannot equal SPAN(p1,...,pn) for any finite set of polynomials- i.e, F[X] is NOT finite dimensional.

    Some Standard examples.

    Bases- def'n.

    Definition: A set B is called a basis for the vector space V over F if (i) B is linearly independent and (ii) SPAN( B)  = V.

    Bases and representation of vectors in a f.d.v.s.

    Suppose B is a finite basis for V with its elements in a list, (u1, u2,  ... , un) . 
    If v is in V, then
    there are unique vectors
    `alpha_1, alpha_2,  ..., alpha_n` in F where  v = ` alpha_1u_1+ alpha_2u_2+  ... + alpha_n u_n` .

    The scalars are called the coordinates of v w.r.t. B, and we will write

    v = [`alpha_1, alpha_2,  ..., alpha_n`]B.

    Linear Independence Theorems
    Theorem 1 : Suppose S is a
    linearly independent set and  v1  is not an element of Span(S), then
    S `cup` v1 is also linearly independent.
    Proof Outline:
    Suppose vectors u1, u2,  ... , un in S  and scalars `alpha_1, alpha_2,  ..., alpha_n, alpha in F` where `0 = alpha_1u_1+ alpha_2u_2+  ... + alpha_n u_n + alpha` v1 . If `alpha` is not 0 then
    `v1= -alpha^{-1}( alpha_1u_1+ alpha_2u_2+  ... + alpha_n u_n) in` Span(S), contradicting the hypothesis. So `alpha = 0`. Buth then `0 = alpha_1u_1+ alpha_2u_2+  ... + alpha_n u_n ` and since S is linearly independent,
    `alpha_1, alpha_2,  ..., alpha_n = 0`. Thus  S `cup` v1 is linearly independent.   EOP.

    Theorem 2: Suppose S is a finite set of vectors with V = Span (S) and T is a subset of vectors in V. If  n( T) > n(S) then T is linearly dependent.
    Proof Outline: Suppose n(S) = N. Then by the assumption  ... [Proof  works by finding N homogeneous linear equations with N+1 unknowns.]

    Theorem 3:
    Every finite dimensional vector space has a basis.
    Proof outline:
  • How to constuct a basis, B, for a non trivial finite dimensional v.s., V. Since V is finite dimensional it has a subset S that is finite with Span (S) = V.
  • Start with the empty set. This is linearly independent. Call this B0.  If span(B0) = V then you are done. B0 is a basis.

  • Comment:The proof of the Theorem  also shows that given T, a  linearly independent subset of V and V a finite dimensional vector space, one can step by step add elements to  T, so that eventually you have a new set S where S is lineary independent with Span(S) = V and T   contained in  S. In other words we can construct a set B that is a basis for V with T contained in B.  This proves

    Corollary: Every Linearly independent subset of a finite dimensional vector space can be extended to a basis of the vector space.

    Theorem 4. If V is finite dimensional vs  and B and B' are bases for V, then n(B) = n(B').

    Proof: fill in ... based on the Theorem 2. n(B) <= n(B')  and n(B') <= n(B)  so...

    Definition: The dimension of a finite dimensional v.s. over F is the number of elements in a(ny) basis for V.

    Discuss dim({0}).
    What is Span of the empty set? Characterize SPAN(S) = the intersection of all subspaces that contain S. Then Span (empty set) = Intersection of all subspaces= {0}.

    The empty set is linearly independent!... so The empty set is a basis for {0} and the dimension of {0} is 0!

    More Dimension Results:

    Prop: A Subspace of a finite dimensional vs is finite dimensional.

      Suppose Dim(V) = n, S  a set of vectors with N(S) = n. Then
    (1) If S is Linearly independent, then S is a basis.
    (2) If Span(S) = V, then S is a basis.

    Proof: (1) S is contained is a basis, B. If B is larger than S, then B has more than n elements, which contradicts that fact that any basis for V has exactly n elements. So B = S and S is a basis.
    (2) Outline:V has a basis of n elements, B.  Suppose S in linearly dependent and show that there is a set with less than n elemnets that spans V. Hence B cannot be a basis. This,
    S is a basis.

    Theorem: Sums, intersections and dimension: If U, W <V  are finite dimensional, then so is U+W and
    dim(U+W) = Dim(U) + Dim(W)  - Dim(U`cap`W).
    Proof: (idea) build up bases of U and W from U`cap`W.... then check  that  the union of these bases is a basis for U+W

    Problem 2.12: Suppose p0,...,pm are in Pm(F) and pi(2) = 0 for all i.
    Prove {p0,...,pm} is linearly dependent.

    Proof: Suppose {p0,...,pm} is linearly independent.
    Notice that by the assumption for any coefficients

    (a0p0+..+ampm )(2) = a0p0(2)+..+ampm(2) = 0
    and since u(x)= 1 has u(2) = 1, u (= 1) is not in the SPAN(p0,...,pm).
    is not Pm(F).

    But SPAN ( 1,x, ..., xm) = Pm(F) .
    By repeatedly applying the Lemma to these two sets of m+1 polynomials as in Theorem 2.6, we have SPAN (p0,...,pm)=P
    , a contradiction
    . So {p0,...,pm} is not linearly independent.
    End of proof.

    Examples: In R2, P4(R).

    Connect to Coke and Pepsi example: find a basis of eigen vectors using the B example for R2.  [Use the on-line technology]

      Example B


      )= c(x,y)

    We considered the  equations:  2/3 x +1/4 y = cx and 1/3 x+3/4 y = cy and showed that
    there are exactly two distinct eigenvalues for example B,
    c= 1 and c = 5/12  and two non trivial eigenspaces
    W1  and W5/12 .
    Now we can use technology to find eigenvectors in each of these subspaces.
    Matrix calculator
    , gave as a result that the eignevalue 1 had an eigenvector (1,4/3)  while 5/12 had an eigenvector (1,-1). These two vectors are a basis for R2.

    Linear Transformations: V and W vector spaces over F.
    Definition: A function T:V ` ->`  W is a linear transformation if for any x,y in V and in F, T(x+y) = T(x) + T(y) and T(ax) = a T(x).

    Examples: T(x,y) = (3x+2y,x-3y) is a linear transformation T: R2  -> R2.
    G(x,y) = (3x+2y, x^2 -2y) is not a linear trasnformation.
    G(1,1) = (5, -1) , G(2,2) = (10, 0)... 2*(1,1) = (2,2) but 2* (5,-1) is not (10,0)!
    Notice that T(x,y)can be thought of as the result of a matric multiplication

      (x,y) (

    So the two key properties are the direct consequence of the properties of matrix multiplication.... (v+w)A= vA+wA and (cv)A = c(vA).
    For A a k by n matrix :  TA  (left argument) and
    AT (right) are linear transformations on Fk and Fn.
    TA  (x) = x A for x in Fk and AT(y) = A[y]tr for y in Fn and [y]tr indicates the entries of the vector treated as a one column matrix.

    The set of all linear transformations from V to W is denoted L(V,W).

    V = U `oplus` W if and only if V = U+W  and U`cap`W={0}.
    => suppose v is in U`cap`W, then v=u in U and v=w in W, so 0 = u-v. But since V= U`oplus`W, this means u=w = 0 so v=0, so U`cap`W={0}.
    Note: This argument extends to V as the direct sum of any family of subspaces.

    <= Suppose u is in U and w is in W and u+w = 0. Then, u = -w so u is also in W, and thus u is is U`cap`W={0}. So u=0 and then w= 0 . Since V=U+W, we have by 1.8, V=U`oplus`W. EOP

    2.19 If V is f.d.v.s.  and U1, ...Un are subspaces with  V = U1 +...+ Un and
    dim(V) = dim(U1)+...+ dim(Un) then
    V = U1 `oplus`...`oplus` Un

    Proof outline: Choose bases for U1, ..., Un and let B be the union of these setes. Since V = U1 +...+ Un every vector in v is a linear combination of elements from B. But B has exactly dim(U1)+...+ dim(Un) = dim(V) elements in it, B is a basis for V. Now suppose  0=u1+ u2+  ... + un for  uk in Uk. Then each ui =can be expressed as a linear combination of the basis vectors for Ui, and the entire linear combination is 0 implies that each coefficient is 0 because B is a basis. So u1=...=un=0 and V = U1 `oplus`...`oplus` UnEOP

    How do you find a basis for the SPAN(S) in Rn?
    Outline of use of row operations...

    Back to linear transformations:

    Consequences of the definition: If T:V->W is a linear transformation, then for any x and y in V and a in F,

    (i) T(0) = 0.

    (ii) T(-x) = -T(x)

    (iii) T(x+ay) = T(x) + aT(y).

    Quick test: If T:V->W is a function and (iii) holds for any x and y in V and a in F, then the function is a linear transformation.

    D... Differentiation is a linear transformation: on polynomials, on ...

    Example: (D(f))(x) = f' (x) or D(f) = f'.
    (D(f + `alpha` g))(x) = (f+`alpha`g)' (x) = f'(x) + `alpha`g'(x) = (f'+`alpha`g') (x)  or
    `alpha`g) = f'+ `alpha`g'= D(f) +`alpha` D(g).

    Theorem: T : V->W  linear, B a basis, gives S(T):B ->W.
    Suppose S:B -> W, then there is a unique linear transformation T(S):V->W such that S(T(S))=S.
    Let T(S)(v) be defined as follows: Suppose v is expressed (uniquely) as a linear combination of elements of B, ie.
    v =
    a1u1+ a2u2+  ... + anun
      ... then let T(v)  = a1S(u1)+ a2S(u2)+  ... + anS(un) ....
    This is well defined since the representation of v is unique. Left to show T is linear.  Clearly... if u is in B then S(T(S))(u) = S(u).
    Example: T: P(F) `->` P(F).... S(xn) = nx n-1.
    Or another example:
    S(xn) = 1/(n+1) x n+1.

    Key Spaces related to T:V->W
    Null Space of T= kernel of T = {v in V where T(v) = 0 [ in W] }= N(T) < V
    Range of T = Image of T = T(V) = {w in W where w = T(v) for some v in V} <W.

    Major result of the day: Suppose T:V->W and V is a finite dimensional v.s. over F. Then N(T) and R(T) are also finite dimensional and Dim(V) = Dim (N(T)) + Dim(R(T)).
    Done in class- see text: Outline: start with a basis C for N(T) and extend this to a basis B for V.  Show that  T(B-C) is a basis for R(T).

    Visualize with Winplot?

    Algebraic stucture on L(V,W)

    Definition of the sum and scalar multiplication:
    T, U in L(V,W), a in F, (T+U)(v) = T(v) + U(v).
    Fact:T+U is also linear.
    (aT)(v) = a T(v) .
    Fact:aT is also Linear.  
    Check: L(V,W) is a vector space over F.

    Composition: T:V -> W and U : W -> Z both linear, then  UT:V->Z where UT(v) = U(T(v)) is linear.

    Note: If T':V-> W and U':W->Z are also linear, then  U(T+T') = UT + UT' and (U+U') T = UT + UT'. If S:Z->Y is also linear then S(TU) = (ST)U.

    Key focus: L(V,V) , the set of linear "operators" on V.... also called L(V).
    If T and U are in L(V) then UT is also in L(V).  This is the key example of what is called a "Linear Algebra"... a vector space with an extra internal operation usually described as the product. That satisfies the distributive and associative properties and has an "identity"- namely Id(v) = v for all v `in V`. [Id T = T Id = T for all T  `in  L(V)`.

    If T `in` L(V), then `T^n in` L(V).

    Example: V = `C^{oo}`(R). D: V `->` V is defined by D(f )= f '. Then `D^2 +4D + Id` = (D + 3Id)(D + Id) = T `in` L(V).  Finding N(T) is solving the "homogenous linear differential equation" f ''(x) + 4f '(x) + f (x) = 0.

    Linear Transformations and Bases
     We proved that if V and W are finite dimensional then so is L(V,W) and dim(L(V,W)) = dim(V) Dim(W).
    We did this using bases for V and W to find a basis for L(V,W). That basis for L(V,W) also established  a function from L(V,W
    ) to the matrices that is a linear transformation! More details will be supplied for this lecture later.

    Matrices  and Linear transformations.

    Footnote on notation for Matrices: If the basis for V is B and for W is C and T:V->W,
    the matrix of T with respect to those bases can be denoted MBC(T). Note - this follows a convention on the representation of a transformation.
    The matrix for a vector V is denoted
    MB(v). If we treat this as a row vector we have MC(T(v))=
    This can be transposed using column vectors for the matrix of the vectors and we have with this transposed view:

    The function M : L(V,W) -> Mat (m,n; F) is a linear transformation.

    Recall definition of "injective" or "1:1" function.
    Recall definition of "surjective" or "onto" function.

    Theorem: T is 1:1 (injective) if and only if N(T) = {0}
    Proof: =>  Suppose T is 1:1.  We now that T(0)=0 , so if T(v) = 0, then v = 0. Thus 0 is the only element of N(T) or N(T) = {0}.
    <=  Suppose N(T) = {0}. If T (v) = T(w) then T(v-w) =T(v)-T(w) = 0 so v-w is in N(T).... ok, than must mean that v-w = 0,  so v=w and T is 1:1.

    Theorem: T is onto if and only of the Range of T = W.
    Theorem: T is onto if and only if for any (some) basis, B, of V, Span(T(B)) = W.
    Theorem: If V and W are finite dimensional v.s. / F, dimV = dim W,  T : V `->` W is linear, then T is 1:1 if and only if T is onto.
    Proof: We know that dim V = dim N(T) + dim R(T).
    =>  If T is 1:1, then  dim N(T) = 0, so dim V = dim R(T)  . Thus dim R(T) = dim W and T is onto.
    <=   If T is onto, then dimR(T) = dim W. So dim N(T) = 0 and thus N(T) = {0} and T is 1:1.



      The importance of the Null Space of T, N(T), is understanding what T does in general.

    Example 1. D:P(R) -> P(R)... D(f) = f'. Then N(D) = { f: f(x) = C for some constant C.} [from calculus 109!]
    Notice: If f'(x) = g'(x)  the f(x) = g(x) + C for some C.
    Proof: consider D(f(x) - g(x)) = Df(x) - Dg(x) = 0, so f(x) -g(x) is in N(T).

    Example 2: Solving  a system of homogeneous  linear equations. This was connected to finding the null space of a linear trasnformation connected to a matrix. Then what about a non- homogeneous system with the same matrix. Result: If z is a solution of the non- homogeneous system of linear equations and z ' is another solution, then z' = z + n where n is a solution to the homogeneous system.

    General Proposition: T:V->W. If b is a vector in W and a is in V with T(a) = b, then T-1({b}) = {v in V: v = a +n where n is in  N(T)} = a + N(T)

    Comment: a + N(T) is called the coset of a mod N(T)...these are analogous to lines in R2. More on this later in the course.

    Note:Why this called a "linear" transformation:
    The geometry of linear: A line in R2 is {(x,y): Ax +By = C where A and B are not both 0} = {(x,y): (x,y) = (a,b) + t(u,v)}= L, line through (a,b) in direction of (u,v).

    Suppose T is a linear transformation :  
    Let T(L) = L' = {(x'y'): (x',y')= T(x,y)}
    T(x,y) = T(a,b) + t T(u,v).  
    If T(u,v) = (0,0) then L' = T(L) = {T(a,b)}.
    If not then L' is also a line though T(a,b) in the direction of T(u,v).
    [View this in winplot?]

    Coke/Pepsi example B: T(x,y) =(2/3 x +1/4 y, 1/3 x+3/4 y)
    T(v0) = v
    1, T(v1) = v2.... T(vk)=T(vk+1).
    T(v*)=v* means a nonzero v* is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 1. T(1, 4/3) = (1,4/3). Also T(3/7, 4/7) = T
    [(3/7)(1,4/3)] = 3/7T(1,4/3) =3/7(1,4/3) =(3/7,4/7).
    T(1,-1) =(5/12,-5/12 )= (5/12)(1,-1) means that (1,-1) is an eigenvector with eigenvalue 5/12.

    Invertibility of Linear Transformations:
    Def'n: T:V -> W is invertible if and only if
    there is a linear transformation S :W -> V where TS = IdW and ST = IdV .   

    If T is invertible then the S :W->V used in the definition is also invertible!
    S is unique:  If S' satsifies the same properties as s, then
    S = S Id = S(TS')  =(ST)S' = Id S' = S'
    S is called "the inverse of T".
    Prop: T is invertible iff  T is 1:1 and onto  (injective and surjective).
    Outline of Proof:
    (i) =>  Assume S... (a)show T is 1:1. [This uses ST = Id].(b) show T is onto [This uses TS = Id].
    (ii) <=  Assume T is 1:1 and onto. Define S. [This uses that T is onto and 1:1] Show S is linear [This uses T is linear.] and TS =I and ST = I

    11-3 and 5
    If there is a T:V->W that is invertible, we say W is isomorphic with V. (V=T W)
    (i)V=Id V (ii)If V=T W then W=S V  (iii)If V=T W and W=U Z then V=UT Z.
    Theorem: Suppose V and W are finite dimensional v.s./F. Then
    V=T W if and only if dim(V) = dim(W).
    Proof: =>: Suppose
    V=T W. Then since there is a T: V`->` W that is an isomorphism, dim (V) = dim N(T) + dim R(T). But R(T) = W and N(T) = {0} so dim N(T) = 0 and dim(V) = dim(W).
    <= (outline) Assume dim(V) = dim ( W) = n. Choose a basis B for V, B = {v1,v2,...,vn} and a basis C for W, C  = {w1,w2,...,wn}. Then use T defined by T(vi) = wi and show this is invertible.

    Theorem: Suppose B= (v1,...,vn) and C=(w1,...,wm)  are finite bases  (lists) for V and W respectively. The linear transformation M: L(V,W) -> Mat(m,n,F) is an isomorphism.
    Proof: Show injective by Null(M)= {Z} -where Z is the zero transformation.
    Show M is onto by giving TA where M(
    TA ) = A based on knowing A. 
    [OR use dimensions of these vector spaces are equal proved previously.]

    Cor. [if isomorphism is established directly]: Dim L(V,W) = Dim(V) Dim(W).

    Prop. V a f.d.v.s.  If T is in L(V) then the following are equivalent:
    (i) T is invertible.
    (ii) T is 1:1.
    (iii) T is onto.
    Proof: (i) =>(ii). Immediate.
    (ii)=>(iii) . Dim V = Dim(N(T)) + Dim(R(T)). Since T is 1:1, N(T)={0}, so Dim(N(T))= 0 and thus Dim V = Dim (R(T)) so R(T) = V and T is onto.
    (iii) =>(i)
    Dim V = Dim(N(T)) + Dim(R(T)) Since T is onto, R(T) = V... so Dim(N(T)) = 0. ... so N(T) = {0} and T is 1:1, so T is invertible.

    Connection to square matrices:
    A is invertible  is equivalent to....Systems of equations statements.

    Look at Coke/Pepsi example B: T(x,y) =
    (2/3 x +1/4 y, 1/3 x+3/4 y)= (x,y)A
    T(v0) = v
    1, T(v1) = v2.... T(vk)=T(vk+1).
    v2=T(v1) = TT(v0);... T(vk)=Tk(v0) = (x0,v0)Ak.
    We considerd the  equations:  2/3 x +1/4 y = cx and 1/3 x+3/4 y = cy and showed that
    there are exactly two distinct eigenvalues for example B,
    c= 1 and c = 5/12  and two non trivial eigenspaces
    W1  and W5/12 .
    Now we can use technology to find eigenvectors in each of these subspaces.
    Matrix calculator
    , gave as a result that the eigenvalue 1 had an eigenvector (1,4/3)=v1  while 5/12 had an eigenvector (1,-1)=v2. These two vectors are a basis for R2.
    What is the matrix of T using this basis.
    `M_B^B(T) =((1,0),(0,5/12))`
    Using this basis and matrix makes it easy to see what happens when the transformation is applied repeatedly:
    `M_B^B(T^n) = [M_B^B(T)]^n =((1,0),(0,5/12))^n=((1,0),(0,{5/12}^n))`

    Change of basis:
    So ... What is the rel
    ationship between this very nice matrix for T that results from using the basis B of eigenvectors and the matrix for T that uses the standard basis, E = (e1,e2)?
    `M_E^E(Id) =((2/3,1/4),(1/3,3/4)).

    The key to understanding the relationship between these is the identity map! 
    We consider the matrix for the identity operator using B for the source and
    E for the target.
      `M_B^E(Id) =((1,1),(4/3,-1))` And for the identity operator using E for the source and B for the target, MEB(Id).
    Notice that
    MEB(Id) MBE(Id) =MBB(Id* Id)=MBB(Id)= In the n by n identity matrix, and similarly MBE(Id) MEB(Id) =MEE(Id) = In . Thus both these matrices are invertible and each is the inverse of the other!
    `M_B^B(T) =((1,0),(0,5/12))`

    If we let P =MEB(Id) and L = MBE(Id) = P-1, then we have


    (T)P= PMEE(T)

    Change of  Basis, Invertibility and similar matrices.
    The previous example works in general:
    The Change of Basis Theorem:
    Suppose V is a f.d.v.s over F, dim(V) = n, and B and E are two bases for V. Suppose T:V -> V is a linear operator, then

    If we let P =MEB(Id) and L = MBE(Id) = P-1
    LP =MBE(Id)MEB(Id) = MEE(Id)= In ]
    then we have
    MBB(T)P= PMEE(T)
    and likewise  PMEE(T)L=MBB(T).

    Def'n: We say that two matrices A and B are similar if there is an invertible matrix P so that
    B = P-1AP.

    Cor.Suppose V is a f.d.v.s over F, dim(V) = n, and B and E are two bases for V. Suppose T:V -> V is a linear operator, then MBB(T) and MEE(T) are similar matrices.

    There is a "converse" to the theorem based on the following
    Proposition: If P is an invertible n by n matrix, then TP:Fn ->
    Fn defined by the matrix P where MEE(TP) =P maps every basis B of Fn to a basis, TP(B)= B' .

    Eigenvectors, Eigenvalues, Eigenspaces, Matrices, Diagonalizability, and Polynomials!

    Definition:Suppose T is a linear operator on V, then a is an eigenvalue for T if there is a non-zero vector v where T(v) = av. The vector v is called an eignevector for T. 
    Proposition: a is an eignevalue for T  if and only if Null(T-aId)  is non-trivial.]

    Def'n:T is diagonalizable if V has a basis of eigenvectors.
    T is diagonalizable if and only if M(T) is similar to a diagonal matrix, i.e., a matrix A where Ai,j=0 for indices i, j where i is not equal to j.
    Fact: If T is diagonalizable with distinct eigenvalues  a1,...,ak , then S = (T-
    a1Id)(T-a2Id).... (T-akId) = 0.
    Proof: It suffices to show that for any v in a basis for V, T(v) = 0.  Choose a basis for V of eigenvectors, and suppose v is an element of this basis with T(v) =
    aj v. Then S(v)= (T-a1Id)(T-a2Id).... (T-akId)(v) = (T-a1Id)(T-a2Id).... (T-ajId)... (T-akId)(T-ajId)(v) = 0.

    What about the Converse? If  there are distinct scalars a1,...,ak where S(v) = (T-a1Id)(T-a2Id).... (T-akId)(v) = 0 for any v in V, is T diagonalizable? we will return to this later....!

    A Quick trip into High School/Precalculus Algebra and Formal Polynomials: Recall... F[X]
    F[X] = { f in F, where f(n) = 0 for all but a finite number of n}
    { formal polynomials with coefficients in F using the "variable" X}
    X = (0,1,0,0,....). example: 2+X + 5X2 +7 X4 = (2,1,5,0,7,0,0,...)

    Notice: F[X] is an algebra over F... that is it has a multiplication defined on its elements... in fact it has a multiplicative unity, 1 =(1,0,0,0...), and furthermore, this algebra has a commutative multiplication: if f,g are in F[X] the f*g = g*f.  

    If f is not 0, then deg(f) = ...., and
    Theorem: If f
    and g are not 0 = (0,0,0...),  then f*g is also non-zero, with deg(f*g) = deg(f) + deg(g).

    If A is any algebra over F with unity, and `f` is in F[X],
    f  = (a1 , a2, ... ,an, 0 , 0 , ...) then we have a function, f :A`->`A defined by
    (t) =
    a1 I + a2t+ ... +antn  where I  is the unity for A.

    In particular (i)A can be the field F itself, so f is in P(F).
    Example: F = Z2. f  = X2 + X in F[X]. Then f is not (0,0,0....) but f(t) = 0 for all t in F.

    (ii) A can be L(V) where Vis a finite dimensional vector space over F.
    Then f (T) is also in L(V).
    (iii) A can be M(n;F), the n by n matrices with entries from F.

    Then f (M) is also in M(n;F).

    The Division Algorithm, [proof?]
    If g is not zero, for any f there exist unique q , r in F[X] where f  = q*g +r and either (i) r = 0 or (ii) deg(r) < deg(g).
    The Remainder and Factor Theorems [Based on the DA]
    Suppose c is in F, 
    for any f there exist unique q , r in F[X]
    where f  = q*(X-c) +r and  r = f(c).

    Suppose c is in F ,then  f (c) = 0 if and only if f = (X-c)*q for some q in F[X].

    Roots and degree.
    If c is in F and f (c) = 0, then c is called a root of f.
    If f is not 0, and deg(f) = n then there can be at n distinct roots of f in F.

    Factoring polynomials. A polynomial in F[X] is called reducible if there exist polynomials p and q, with deg(p)>0 and deg(q)>0 where f=p*q.
    If deg(f )>0 and f is not reducible it is called irreducible (over F).
    X2 + 1 is irreducible over R but Reducible over C.

    (I)The FTof Alg for C[X].
    Theorem: If f is non-zero in C[X] with deg(f)>0, then there is a complex number r where f (r) = 0

    (II) The FT of Alg for R[X].

    If f is non-zero in R[X] andis irreducible, then deg(f)= 1 or 2.

    Proof  of II assuming (I):
    If f is in R[X] and deg(f)>2, then f is in C[X].
    If r is a root of f and r is a real number then f is reducible by the factor theorem.
    If r=a +ib is not a real number, then because the complex conjugate of a sum(product) of complex numbers is the sum (product) of the conjugates of the numbers, and the complex conjugate of a real number is the same real number, we can show that f(a+bi) =0 = f(a-bi).  Now by the factor theorem (applied twice)
    f = (X-(a+bi))*(X-(a-bi))*q=((X-a)2 + b2 )*q
    and deg(q) = deg(f ) -2 >0. Thus f is reducible.

    Back to Linear Algebra, Eigenvalues  and "the Minimal Polynomial for a Linear Operator":
    Theorem: Suppose V is nontrivial f.d.v.s / C.  T in L(V). Then T has an eigenvalue.
    Comment: First consider this with the
    Coke/Pepsi example B:
    T(x,y) =
    (2/3 x +1/4 y, 1/3 x+3/4 y).
    Consider ( e1= (1,0), T(
    e1) = (2/3,1/3), T(T(e1 ))=  (4/9+1/12, 2/9+3/16) ). This must be linearly dependent because it has 3 vectors in R2. This gives some coefficients in R not all zero, where a0 Id(v) + a1T(v) + a2T2(v)=0. Thus we have f in R[X] , f =  a0  + a1X + a2X2
    and  f(T)(e1) = 0. In fact, we can use f =(X-1)(X-5/12) . f(T)(e1)=(T-Id)(T-5/12Id)(e1)= (T-Id)((T-5/12Id)(e1))=(T-Id)(2/3-5/12,1/3) = 0 Thus we find that (T-Id) (1/3,1/3)= 0, so (1/3,1/3) is an eigenvector for T with eigenvalue 1.
    Now here is a
    Proof (outline): Suppose dim V = n >0.
    Consider v, a nonzero element of V, and the set (v, T(v), T2(v),
    Since this set has n+1 vectors it must be linearly dependent. ...
    This means there is a non-zero polynomial, f,  in C[X] where f (T)(v) = 0.
    Let m = deg(f ).
    Using the FT of Alg for C we have that f = a (X-c1)... (X-cm).
    Now apply this to T as a product and ....
    for some i and w (not 0), (T-ciId) (w) = 0. Thus T has an eigenvalue.

    Theorem:V, T as usual. Then there is some non-zero polynomial f in F[X] where f  (T) = 0, i.e., for all v in V, f  (T)(v)= 0.
    Proof (outline).
    Suppose dim(V)=n. Consider the set (Id, T, T2,T3....Tn*n).
    Since this set has n*n+1 vectors in L(V) where dim(L(V))= n*n, so it must be linearly dependent. ...
    This means there is a non-zero polynomial, f,  in C[X] where f (T) = 0, i.e., f(T)(v) = 0 for all v  in V.

    Definition: Ann(T)={f in F[X] : f  (T) = 0}.  The previous Theorem shows Ann(T) has a non trival element.
    Prop: f, g in Ann(T), h in F[X] then f+g and h*f are in Ann(T).

    Theorem (The minimal polynomial): There is a non zero monic polynomial in Ann(T) of smallest degree. This polynomial is unique and any polynomial in Ann(T) has this polynomial as a factor.

    Proof: The previous theorem has shown Ann(T) has a nonzero polynomial element. Considering the degrees of the non-zero polynomials in Ann(T) there is a smallest positive degree, call it m and a polynomial g in Ann(T) with deg(g) = m. If g = bXm +....terms of lower degree, where b is not 0, 
    then f = 1/b*g is also in Ann(T) and f  is a monic polynomial.

    Now suppose h is also in Ann(T) , then by the division algorithm, h = q*f + r where either r = 0 or deg(r)< m. But since h and f are in Ann(T), h - q*f = r is also in Ann(T). Since deg(f )=m, which is the lowest degree for an element of Ann(T), it must be that r = 0, so h =q*f. Now if h is also monic and deg(h) = m, then deg(q) = 0, and since h and f are both monic, q = 1, and h = f. Thus the non zero monic polynomial in Ann(T) of smallest degree is unique!
    Prop. (Min'l Poly meets eigenvalues)
    Suppose m in F[X] is the mininal polynomial for T. 
    Then T has eigenvalues c if and only if X-c is a factor of m.
    Proof: =>  Suppose  c is an eigenvalue for T.
    Then W
    =Null(T-c) is a nontrivial subspace of V and for w in Wc
    T(w) = cw is also in Wc . Let S(w)=T(w) for w in Wc .Notice that S is in L(W).
    As a linear operator on
    Wc ,(X-c)(S) = 0, so X-c is the minimal polynomial for S.
    But for any w in
    Wc (and thus in V), m(S)(w) = m(T)(w) = 0, so m is in Ann(S), and X-c is a factor of m.

    <=  Suppose
    X-c is a factor of m.  m= (X-c)*q. Since m is the minimal polynomial for T and deg(q)= deg(m)-1, q(T) is not the 0 operator. Thus there is some v in V where w =q(T)(v) is not 0. 
    m(T)(v)=...=(T-cId)(q(T)(v))=(T-cId)(w) = 0. So c is an eigenvalue for T.   EOP

    Cor. T is invertible if and only if the constant for = m(0) is not 0.
    Cor. If T is invertible then T-1 = -1/
    m(0) (( m-m(0))/X)(T))

    Invariant Subspaces: V, T as usual.
    Def'n:W is called an invariant subspace for T if for all w in W, T(w) is also in W... i.e. T(W)<W.
    If W is an invariant subspace of T, then T:W->W is a linear operator as well, denoted T|W.
    If W is an invariant subspace of T, then the minimal polyonmial of
    T|W is a factor of the minimal polynomial of T.

    Invariant Subspaces, Diagonal and Block Matrices:
    V is a fdvs / F and T is in L(V)  with W1 ,W2 ,...,Wk invariant subspaces for T and V = W1 `oplus`W2 `oplus`...`oplus` Wk .
    and if the basis for V is B is composed of bases for each
    W1 ,W2 ,... ,Wk in order, then M(T)  is composed of matrix blocks - each of which is M(T|Wi). Furthermore if m1 ,m2 ,... , mk is the minimal polynomial for T restricted to W1 ,W2 ,... ,Wk then the minimal polynomial for T is the lowest common multiple of the polynomials m1 ,m2 ,... , mk.

    Examples of Matrices, characteristics values and minimal polynomials.
    [Some references here to the characteristic polynomial from previous course work in Linear algebra.]
    Example 1. `((3,0,0),(0,3,0), (0,0,2))` is a diagonal matrix that has characteristic polynomial `(x-3)^2 (x-2)` but minimal polynomial `(x-3)(x-2)`.
    Example 2.
    `((3,1),(0,3))` is not diagonalizable. It has characteristic polynomial and minimal polynomial `(x-3)^2`.
    These examples are relevant because of the following

    Prop. Suppose m in F[X] is the mininal polynomial for T.
    T is diagonalizable
    if and only if there are distinct c1,...,cm in F where m =  (X-c1)... (X-cm)

    Proof :
    => Suppose T is diagonalizable and T has eigenvalues c1,...,cm. By the preceeding Proposition,  for each c1,...,cm each (X-c1),...,(X-cm) is a factor of the minimal polynomial, and by our previous work, S=(X-c1)*...*(X-cm) is in Ann(T) so m = S.

    [ Modified from proof in Hoffman and Kunze- Linear algebra 2nd Ed]
    there are distinct c1,...,cm in F where m = (X-c1)*...*(X-cm).
    Let W be the subspace spanned by all the characteristic vectors of  T. So W =
    W1 +W2 +...+ Wm  where Wk = Null(T-ck).
    We will show that V = W indirectly. Suppose V is not W.

    Lemma: There is a vector v* not in W and a characteristic value cj  where w*=(T-cj Id)(v*) is in W. [Proof is below.]

    Now express w* in terms of vectors in
    Then for any polynomial h,
    h(T)(w*) = h(c1)w1 +  ... +h(ck) wk.
    m = (X-cj )q and q-q(cj ) = (X-cj )k.

    q(T)(v*)-q(cj )(v*) = k(T)(T-cj Id)(v*)= k(T)(w*) which is in W!

    BUT 0 = m(T)(v*)=(T-cj Id)(qT)(v*).... so q(T)(v*) is in W. 

    Thus q(cj )(v*)=q(T)(v*)- k(T)(w*) is in W.

    But we assumed v* is not in W, so q(cj ) = 0. So the factor (X-cj ) appeared twice in m!  A Contradiction!
    Proof of Lemma: We must find a vector v* not in W and a characteristic value cj  where w*=(T-cj Id)(v*) is in W.

    Suppose b is in V but not in W.
    Consider C={ all polynomials f where f (T) (
    b) is in W}.
    [There are some non-trivial elements of C since m(T)(b) = 0, so is in C.]
    Of all the elements of C, there is a unique non-zero monic polynomial of least degree which we will call g.
    [Proof left as exercise for Friday]
    Then g is a factor of m. [Proof left as exercise for Friday.] Since b is not in W,  g is not a constant, and so deg( g ) >0.
    Since we know all the factors of m, for some
    cj ,
    (X- cj  ) is a  factor of g.

    So g= (X- cj  ) * h, and because g was of minimal degree for polynomials where  f (T) (b) is in W,
    h(T)(b)=v* is not in W.

    But  w* = g(T)(b) = (T-cj Id)h(T)(b) =  (T-cj Id)(v*) is in W.
    End of lemma's proof.

    Remark: Every monic polynomial is the minimal polynomial for some linear operator:
    Suppose `f` is the polynomial and degree of `f` is `n`, `f = a_0 + a_1 X + a_2 X^2 + ... + a_{n-1}X^{n-1} + X^n`.
    Let T: `R^n -> R^n` be defined by  T(`e_i`) = `e_{i+1}` for `i = 1,2,...n-1` and
    T(`e_n`) =
    `- (a_0e_1 + a_1e_2 + a_2 e_3 + ... + a_{n-1}e_n)`. Then the minimal polynomial of T is `f`.

    `f = (X-2)(X-1)^2 = (X-2) (X^2 -2X +1) = X^3  -4X^2  -3X -2 `. Then using the standard basis T has matrix:
    `((0,0, 2),(1,0,3), (0,1, 4))` and  `f` is the minimal polynomial for T.

    Nilpotent Operators and Jordan Canonical Form.

    Now what about operators where the minimal polynomial splits into powers of linears? or where the minimal polynomial has non-linear irreducible factors?

    First Consider the case of powers of linear factors.
    The simplest is just a power of X.  (or (X-c)).

    Example: D: P3(R) -> P3(R), the derivative. Then the minimal polynomial for D is X4.

    In general, an operator N is called nilpotent if  for some k>0, Nk =0. The smallest such k is called the index of nilpotency for N, and  if  k is the index of nilpotency for N, then the minimal polynomial for N is Xk .

    Proposition: If N is nilpotent of index k and dim V = k, then there is a basis for V , {b1,b2,...bk} where N(bk)= 0 and N(bi) = bi+1 for all i <k.
    Proof: Since
    the minimal polynomial for N is Xk, there is some vector v* in V where Nk-1 (v*) is not zero but Nk (v*)=0. Let b1 = v* and b2 = N(b1), b3 = N(b2), ...,bk = N(bk-1).
    Then clearly N(
    bk )= Nk (v*)=0. It suffices to show that (b1,b2,...bk) is linearly independent. Suppose a1b1 + a2b2+...+ akbk= 0. Then a1v* + a2N(v*)+...+ akNk-1 (v*)= 0. Now apply N to obtain Nk-1(a1b1 + a2b2+...+ akbk)= 0 or a1Nk-1b1 + a2Nk-1b2+...+ akNk-1bk= 0. But Nk-1bj =0 for  j>1, so a1Nk-1b1=0. But Nk-1 (v*) is not zero, so a1 = 0.  Now by using Nk-2(a2b2+...+ akbk)= 0 a similar analysis shows that a2 =0. Continuing we can show that a3 =0, ..., ak-1
    = 0. But that leaves ak bk = 0 and thus ak = 0, so {b1,b2,...bk} is linearly independent.

    Alternatively: Let f = (
    a1, a2,...,ak) the polynomial of degree k-1 with a1, a2,...,afor coefficients. If is not the zero polynomial and f(N)(v*)=0 then  f  must be a factor of  Xk . But the assumption is that Nk-1 (v*) is not zero, so f must be the zero polynomial and all of the coefficients are 0. Hence, (b1,b2,...bk) is linearly independent.

    Example: Find the basis for
    D: P3(R) -> P3(R).

    Linear Programming; See  Waner - Costenoble's treatment of Linear Programming
    or LINEAR PROGRAMMING:A Concise Introduction by Thomas S. Ferguson  (.pdf file)

    Orthogonal Linear Operators:
    Def. T:V-> V in L(V) is called an orthogonal if ||T(v)|| = ||v|| for all v in V.
    Relation to Inner Products, angles:
    Prop: T is orthogonal if and only if <T(v),T(w)> =
    <v,w> for all v and w in V.
    An Orthonormal operator is 1:1 and "preserves the angles between vectors", in particular it transforms a set of orthonormal vectors to a set of orthonormal vectors.
    An Orthonormal operator will transform an orthonormal basis to an orthonormal basis.
    O(n): If V = Rn with the usual inner product, then O(n) = { T in L(V): T is orthonormal}
    Prop: If T and S are in O(n) then , so TS and T-1 are also in O(n).
    Comment: Since Multiplication of operators is associative, and clearly, Id is in O(n), O(n) forms a "group".... called the "orthogonal group."

    Relation to matrices: A square matrix defines a linear operator by multiplication.  If T is the operator from the matrix M then using the standard basis, M(T) = M. Then T is orthogonal if and only if Mt*M = I.  Thus O(n) = {n by n matrices M | Mt*M = I}