Martin Flashman's Courses - Math 115 Fall, 2010
Tentative Course Information- Subject to Change (8-22-10)
Algebra and Elementary Functions

TR     1100 12:20  NR 101  

"Lecture 31"  W     800 850     FR_107
"Lecture 32"   W   900 950     FR_107

"Lecture 34"   W   1100 1150     FR_107
"Lecture 35"   W   1300 1350    HGH_106

OFFICE: BSS 356    E-MAIL: flashman at        PHONE:826-4950
Hours (Tent.):  TR 9:15-10:30 W 14:30-16:00   AND BY APPOINTMENT or by CHANCE! [ I am available after class for appointments.]
PREREQUISITE: Math code 40 (or better) or permission.
IMPORTANT: You may not need this course to take calculus.
MATH PLACEMENT AFTER THE ELM Using ALEKS is not available after Sunday, August 22nd. If you think you have demonstrated you ability to do the work in this course in previous course work, you should see me AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 
A quick self-check on your capability to proceed to a calculus course may be found on the course Moodle page, which you can access as a guest if you are not yet enrolled in the class.

Catalog Description: In-depth treatment of exponential, logarithmic,trigonometric, and polynomial functions. Prereq: HSU MATH 42 or 44 or 45 or math code 40.
Precalculus: Functions and Graphs - 11e ,Swokowski and Cole, Published by Brooks/Cole.

MOODLE: The course syllabus, announcements, and posted materials for the course will be available on Moodle. Access to the course page on Moodle will be available to guests without current enrollment until the September 15.
On-Line Materials: Sensible PreCalculus (Text Notes plus) by M. Flashman
We will cover topics primarily related to theory and application of Functions: Polynomial, Rational, Exponential, Logarithmic, and Trigonometric. Supplementary materials will be provided as appropriate.
  Homework assignments are made regularly. We will use Webassign (which is linked through the Moodle course page) to assign and grade homework.  Link to Student Quick Start Guide (pdf file). You should check Webassign regularly for current homework assignments.[These will be also announced in class.]
Homework results should be recorded by 10:00 am of the due date [Usually a Tuesday or Thursday] to receive full credit. I will discuss this further at the first class meeting. Assignments will be discussed in class on a daily basis.
The class quizzes (usually taking 15-30 minutes) will be given on Wednesdays as in-class tests during the section meetings. These quizzes will have problems similar to assignments and class examples.
The final examination for the course will be comprehensive.
The final examination is scheduled for Tuesday, December 14 @ 10:20 am.
It is the student's responsibility to request a makeup promptly,
  especially for unauthorized absence.
Section Meetings:
On Wednesdays the class will meet in separate sections for which you have registered. "Section" assignments may be done in partnerships (at most three people to a partnership) and submitted at the end of section time. "Section" time will also be used for quizzes and presentations.
You  are expected to attend the section for which you are registered.
Assigned Seating and Attendance: After August 31, students will have a seat assigned for the lecture meetings.
You may be marked absent if you are not in your assigned seat by 11:10 or at 12:15.


  • GRADES: Final grades will be determined taking into consideration the quality of work done in the course as evidenced primarily from the accumulation of points from tests and various  assignments.

  • Course Component
    Allocated Points
    Reality Quizzes 1-7 Best 6 scores 600 points
    Reality Quiz 8 100 points
    Section work 100 points
    Homework ( on webassign)
    200 points
    Final Examination 400 or 600 points
    Total 1400 or 1600  points
  • The final examination will be be worth either 400 or 600 points determined by the following rule:
  • The final grade will use the final examination score that maximizes the average for the term based on all possible points.
    A grade of less than 50% on the final examination may result in a final grade of  F without offsetting high quality work on the other parts of the course.
  • Notice that only 400 or 600 of these points are from formal in-class examinations, so regular participation is essential to forming a good foundation for your grades as well as your learning.

    Though final grades for the course are subject to my discretion, I will use the following overall percentages based on the total number of points for your work to determine the broader range of grades for the course.     A  85-100% ;   75- 84% ;  C  65- 74% ;  D  50- 64%  ;  F   0- 49% 

    Students with Disabilities: Persons who wish to request disability-related accommodations should contact the Student Disability Resource Center in House 71, 826-4678 (voice) or 826-5392 (TDD). Some accommodations may take up to several weeks to arrange.
    Add/Drop policy: ** See the University rules and dates related to the following: Students are responsible for knowing the University policy, procedures, and schedule for dropping or adding classes.
    Emergency evacuation: Please review the evacuation plan for the classroom (posted on the orange signs) , and review for information on campus Emergency Procedures. PLEASE, take a moment to download and read this page carefully. Although it may seem as a waste of time to you right now, it may save your life one day and you will not have time to read it when you really need it.
    During an emergency, information can be found campus conditions at: 826-INFO or
    Academic honesty: Students are responsible for knowing policy regarding academic honesty:
    Attendance and disruptive behavior: Students are responsible for knowing policy regarding attendance and disruptive behavior:

  • Technology: A computer or a graphing calculator can be used for many problems. We will use Winplot and Microsoft Xcel.
  • Graphing Calculators: Graphing calculators are welcome and highly recommended.
  • Use of  Office Hours: Many students find  pre-calculus difficult because of weakness in their algebra background skills and concepts.  A grade of C in Math 44 or intermediate algebra might indicate this kind of weakness.

  • Difficulties that might have been ignored or passed over in previous courses can be a major reason for why things don't make sense now. You may use my office hours for some additional work on these background areas either as individuals or in small groups. My office time is  also available to discuss  quizzes, routine problems from homework after they have been discussed in class, as well as using technology.

    Regular use of my time outside of class should be especially useful for students having difficulty with the work and wishing to improve through a steady approach to mastering skills and concepts.
  • Don't be shy about asking for an appointment outside of the scheduled office hours

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