Martin Flashman's Courses
Math 110 Calculus II Fall, '99 MWF
12:30-1:40 SH 110
Optional 5th hour: Occasional Mondays @5 pm
Recent Changes: There
will be no oral presentation of the reading reports.
The technology
quiz will now be done in the reality quiz format (not in an oral format).
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updated: 6/7/99
Fall, 1999 Problem Assignments(Tentative
as of 7-9-99) M.FLASHMAN
Stewart's Calculus 3rd ed'n.
Section Problems (*= interesting but optional)
------- --------------------------------------
Assignments and recommended problems I
IV.D 1-11 odd 22,23
3.10 43, 44, 47, 48
8.1 24, 25
IV.E 5-9 odd (a,b), 20 21,24
15.1 (i) 11-14, 17, 21
(ii) 25, 27
9/3-> 6.2 (i) 27-29, 33, 36, 47-51, 55, 57,59 53
9/8-> (ii) 64, 66, 67-73 odd, 77,
78 83,84
9/8-> 6.3 Review of logs 1-19 odd, 35-45 odd, 55,61, 71-73 90
9/8-> 6.4 (i) 1-3, 7, 10, 11, 15, 16, 22, 23, 27, 49 52
9/10-> reading from VI.B ... Two several part problems on integration
in VI.B assigned...
9/13-> Log diff'n (ii) 35,36, 39, 53, 58 66
9/13-> Integration (iii) 67-73 odd,
Assignments and recommended problems II
9/17-> VI.D 1-4; 9-13; *(22,23)
9/17-> 6.6 (i) 31,35,40, 43, 56,58
9/20-> (ii) 79,82-95,
90, *94, *95
9/20-> (iii)30,33,37,41,45, 65,
9/22-> 7.1 (i) 1-11 odd, 35, 51,54
9/22-> (ii) 17,19, 23,27,
34, 41, 42,45,46
9/24-> 7.8 (i) 1,2,3a,7(a,b),25 (n=4,8),29
9/27-> (ii) 3b, 7c, 30-33,38
9/29-> 8.1 1-7; 9,10,15.
10/1-> 6.5 (i) 1-7 odd; (ii) 9-11; (iii) 13,15,16
10/4-> (iv) 19-21
10/4-> 7.4 (i) 17,18,21,39
10/6-> (ii) 19,20,23,24,26,37
10/8-> (iii) 41,43,45-47,62
10/8-> 7.9 (i) 1, 3-5, 9, 11, 13, 21, 43
10/25-> (ii) 27-32, 39,49, 51,55, 60, 61,57,66
Assignments and recommended problems III
10/27-> 7.2 (i) 1-5, 7-13 odd
10/29-> (ii) 19-23 odd, 31, 32,
11/1 -> IXA : 1-4,6,8
11/3 -> 7.3 (i) pp 449-451 top: 1-5
11/5-> (ii) pp 451-452
:6, 7,15, 19; 9,27
11/8 -> (iii) pp 453-454:
17, 21, 22, 25
11/12-> Ch 7 review problems: (i) 9-19 odd, 49,51
11/5 -> IX B: 1,2,4, 5, 7,13,14, *23
11/8 -> IX C: (i) 1-5
(ii) 6-8
11/10-> IX D: 1,3,5,8
11/12-> read 10.2 pp 609-621 Ex. 5 : 1, 7-11; 37-39
11/19 -> read 10.1 pp 598-600, examples 5-8: 1-21 odd
Assignments and recommended problems IV
Topics for The Last Two Weeks (tentative11/23/99)
11/29A.10.6 Absolute Convergence; ratio tests
B. 6.8 L'Hospital's rule (easiest)(0/0) |
12/1A. 10.8 Power Series conv.; Interval of convergence.
B. 6.8 L'Hospital's Rule (inf/inf)
C. 9.6 The parabola. |
12/3A. 10.9 Solving DE's with Power Series
B. 6.8 L'Hospital's rule (others)
C.9.6 The circle and ellips .
D.8.2 arc length? |
12/6A. Series Summary.
B.6.8 L'Hospital's Summary/Review.
C. 9.6 The Hyperbola and rotations.
D. 8.3 Surface Area? 5.4 Work? |
12/8 A. 10.1 Definitions and rigor.
C. The discriminant.
D. 5.4 Work? |
12/10. Breath.
Video on conics? |
12/1 -> 6.8: (i) 1-7 odd
12/3 -> (ii)
17-23 odd,11, 13, 25, 26
12/6 -> (iii)
39-43 odd; 47-51 odd; 55-57 odd; 65; *100
12/3-> 9.6 : (i) 1-7 odd; 21,23
12/6-> (ii)
9-12; 27,29
(iii) 13-17; 33,35; 43
12/6?-> 8.2 : 1,3; 17, 19
? 8.3?: 1, 3, 5
? 5.4?: 1,3,5,11,13 |
11/19-> 10.3: (i) 1-5
12/8 ->
(ii) 9-15 odd
11/19-> 10.4: (i) 1-5
12 /8->
(ii) 9-15 odd
12/1 -> 10.5 (i) 1-5; 25,27, 33
(ii) 9-15 odd
12/1-> 10.6 1-5; *(33, 34),
35, 37,
12/6-> 10.7 : 1-11 odd
12/3-> 10.8: 3-11 odd
12/8-> 10.9 : 1-5; 21,25
12/8 -> 10.10: 27,31,33 |
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to HSU Math. Department :}
Fall, 1999
MWF 12:30-1:40 P.M. SH 110
OFFICE: Library 48
Hours (Tent.): MW 10 TR 11;15-12:20; F 2
***PREREQUISITE: Math 115 or permission.
TEXTS: Required: Calculus 3rd Edition
by James Stewart.(Brooks/Cole, 1995)
Excerpts from Sensible Calculus by M. Flashman as available
from Professor Flashman.
Catalog Description: Logarithmic and exponential functions, inverse
trigonometric functions, techniques of integration, infinite sequences
and series, conic sections, polar coordinates.
SCOPE:This course will deal with a continuation of
the theory and application of what is often described as "integral calculus"
as well as the calculus of infinite series. These are contained primarily
in Chapters 6 through 10 of Stewart. Supplementary notes and text will
be provided as appropriate.
There will be several tests in this course. There will be an oral quiz
on the use of technology, several reality check quizzes and cooperative
problem assignments, two self scheduled midterm exams, and two special
"team" assignments which I will grade (numerically).
Homework assignments are made regularly and
should be passed in on the due date.
Homework is graded Acceptable/Unacceptable
with problems to be redone. Redone work should be returned for grading
***Exams will be announced at least one week in advance.***
The final exam will be comprehensive, covering the entire semester.
It is the student's responsibility to request a makeup promptly.
Writing Assignments: At the beginning of each class you will submit
a brief statement (at most four sentences) describing the content from
the previous classes and any topics you would like to discuss further either
in class or individually. I will read these and return them the next class.
Team Activities: Every two weeks your team will be asked to submit
a summary of what we have covered in class. (No more than two sides of
a paper.) These may be organized in any way you find useful but should
not be a copy of your class notes. I will read and correct these before
returning them. Team participants will receive corrected photocopies.
Your summaries will be allowed as references at the final examination
On alternate weeks teams will submit a response to the "problem/activity
of the week." All cooperative problem work will be graded +(5
well done), ü(4
for OK), -(3 acceptable), or unacceptable(1) and will be used in determining
the 40 points allocated for cooperative assignments.
The Reading Assignment: Each student is expected
to read at least 3 short notes or articles from periodicals or the world
wide web on some application of the calculus. A short report / synopsis
of these readings and any reactions you have to them will be collected
on September 27th, October 25th, and November 29th. On December 3rd, each
student will be expected to make a 5-10 minute oral presentation based
on one of these readings. You may propose an alternative to the oral presentation.
GRADES: Final grades will be determined taking into
consideration the quality of work done in the course as evidenced primarily
from the accumulation of points from tests, various individual and cooperative
o Midterm exams will be worth 100 points each,
the team assignments will be worth 50 points each, and the final exam will
be worth 200 points.
o The work on the daily
writing will be worth 30 points (based on quality of work and coverage).
o Homework performance will
count for 70 points.
o Quizzes will determine
100 points
o Cooperative problem assignments
and summaries will be used to determine 40 points.
o The oral quiz on the
use of technology will be graded on a credit (20 points) / no credit (0)
Revised- 11-19-99 The technology
quiz will now be given in a reality check quiz format. [Still worth 20
o Your reading reports will be worth a total
of 30 points.
o The
oral presentation will be graded on a honors (10 points) / credit (7 points)
/ no credit (O) basis.
Revised- 11-19-99 There will
not be any oral presentations. The 10 points assigned to this will be given
as part of the reading reports... giving a total of 40 points for the reading
reports instead of 30. I will double the highest score of the reading reports
you submit.
The total points available for the semester is
800. Notice that only 400 of these points are from examinations, so regular
participation is essential to forming a good foundation for your grades
as well as your learning.
** See the course schedule for the dates related to the following:
No drops will be allowed without "serious and compelling reasons" and
a fee.
No drops will be allowed.
Students wishing to be graded with either CR or NC should make this request
to the Adm & Rec office in writing or by using the web registration
See the fall course list for a full list of
relevant days.
The computer or a graphing calculator can be used for many problems. We
will use X(PLORE), Winplot, and Geometer's Sketchpad. A version
of X(PLORE) is available at the bookstore for MAC based PC's along
with the PC version we will use.Winplot is freeware and may be downloaded
Rick Parris's website or directly from this link for Winplot
wishing help with any graphing calculator should plan to bring their calculator
manual with them to class.
Graphing Calculators: Graphing calculators are welcome and highly
recommended. We will use the HP48G for some in-class work though most graphing
calculators will be able to do much of this work. HP48G's will be available
for students to borrow for the term through me by arrangement with the
Math department. Supplementary materials will be distributed if needed.
If you would like to purchase one or have one already, let me know. I will
try to help you with your own technology during the optional "5th hour"s,
or by appointment (not in class).
Optional "5th hour"s: Many students find the second
semester of calculus difficult because of weakness in their Calculus I
and pre-calculus background skills and concept. A grade of C in Math 109
might indicate this kind of weakness. Difficulties that might have been
ignored or passed over in previous courses can be a major reason for why
things don't make sense now. I will organize and support additional time
with small (or larger) groups of students for whom some additional work
on these background areas may improve their understanding of coursework.
Later in the semester optional hours will be available to discuss routine
problems from homework and reality check quizzes as well as using technology.
These sessions should be especially useful for students having difficulty
with the work and wishing to improve through a steady approach to mastering
skills and concepts.
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