Tuesday February 15
Coming events: Thursday, February 17
4PM, SH 109
Joseph Gallian Dept. of Math & Stat, Univ. of Minnesota
The Making of the 2003 Math Awareness Month Poster
This talk concerns the problem of traversing an m by n directed
grid embedded on a torus so that each vertex is visited exactly
once before returning to the starting position. We include an
application to computer graphics that became the image on 2003
Mathematics Awareness poster:
To read more about the development of this poster, see Douglas Dunham’s article “Hyperbolic Art and the Poster Pattern” at
8PM, FH 118
Joseph Gallian
Breaking Driver’s License Codes
Lab plus...
Wingeometry Activities
Download and unzip Wingeometry
Exploring 2-dim Flatland:
Btns: Toolbar
segments, rays, lines, circles, drag vertices
Create triangle
Transf: Translate...
Glide reflect ....
Other: Replay in slow motion.
Units: Polygon....Regular... sides... Okay!
Meas urements:
New window: Tesselations
Kites and Darts (Penrose)
View.... Help
New window: 3 dim
Units: Polyhedral.... Regular.... Cube
Web Surfing Activity: Not done. :(
Return to Classroom at 2:50 to
Do Symmetry in Friezes activity and
watch video.