This visualization allows us to count the possibilities easily...
seeing there are 8 possibilities for each of 4 title branches
so that the total is 8*4 = 32 possibilities.
This is an example of a visualization used to understand and
solve a problem
that initially is not connected to anything visual .
Miscellaneous: Some topics we will study.
The film lists as a guide to the course topics.
The color problem.
The Sphere and the Torus.
Who first showed the earth was a sphere?
Egyptian Shadows?
Magellan: Circumnavigated
Copernicus: Belief
Pictures from "outer space"
Perry.Polar expeditions. Air navigational history
Flatland as social commentary/satire.
Measurement and the Pythagorean Theorem (PT) [1.1]
a2 + b2 = c2
Measuring angles, lengths and areas.
Squares, rectangles, parallelograms and triangles.
Dissections, cut and paste methods of measurement.