MATH 103 (3 unit) COURSE INFORMATION M.Flashman Contemporary Mathematics (Visual) FALL,1997 T Th 10:00- 11:20* SH 128 (*Th 11:00-11:20 SD 017 or SH 117) OFFICE: Library 48 E-MAIL: PHONE:826-4950 Office Hours (Tent.)- M W 10:30-11:40; T Th 11:40-12:30 AND BY APPOINTMENT! PREREQUISITE: Math Code 40 TEXTS: (REQ'D.) Mathematics: The Science of Patterns by K. Devlin. Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions by E. Abbott. Geometry And The Visual Arts by D. Pedoe. Experiments in Topology by S. Barr. Configuration Theorems by B. Argunov & L. Skornyakov. SCOPE: This course will explore topics in geometry and topology that have arisen from attempts to define and explain the visual aspects of experience, such as symmetry, space dimension, surface, and curvature. Limitations, unexpected consequences and applications resulting from the development of these concepts illustrate the power of mathematics to translate, to transform, and to classify. Lectures will discuss topics not covered in the texts as well as those treated in the texts (primarily Devlin and Pedoe). Supplementary readings and materials will be supplied as appropriate. ASSIGNMENTS: There will be regular graded assignments consisting of 3 to 5 problems or activities. Other problems, assigned in class, will be a source for class discussions and activities and will be used to indicate satisfactory class participation. Course materials, including this description, and returned assignments should be kept in a binder, forming the basis for two assignments around the 5th and 10th weeks as well as a final review of your work at the end of the course. The Project: Each student will participate in a course project as a part of a team. Each team will have three or four members. These projects will be designed with my assistance. The quality of the project will be used for determining letter grades above the C level. Ideas for projects will be discussed during the second week. Preliminary Project Proposals should be submitted for first review by September 25th. Projects should be submitted for grading by December 4th before 5 P.M A Project Fair will be organized for displays and presentations during the last day of class. Details will be discussed later. The Portfolio: Each student will organize a portfolio which should contain entries related to the content of this course but not discussed extensively in the lectures. No particular format or topics for entries are required, but each entry must have some substantial (as opposed to purely subjective) content. Sample portfolios may be viewed at Library 48 during office hours. The portfolio (quality and quantity) will be used also for determining letter grades above the C level. Two portfolio entries will be collected for preview feedback and advice on September 25th. Portfolios will be due for grading on December 5th before 5 P.M. ***DAILY ATTENDANCE SHOULD BE A HABIT *** GRADES: Five or more absences without extenuating circumstances will be justification for a grade of F. Otherwise final grades will be determined by taking into consideration the quality of work done in the course as evidenced primarily by assignments, projects and portfolios. **Only the letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F will be given. (No + or -'s) ** For the grade of C or CR a student must at least (1) have satisfactory attendance and participation, (2) have a satisfactory record on assignments and class activities (about 80% +'s), (3) have participated responsibly on a satisfactory group project and (4) have submitted a portfolio with at least 4 entries. ** For the grade of B (or A) a student must at least (1) be qualified for a grade of C, and (2) submit a portfolio with at least 3 (or 6) entries beyond the work submitted for grade of C. The portfolio's quality will be used to determine the final grade also. Students wishing to be graded with either CR or NC should make this request in writing at the records office as described in the fall course lists. ******************************************************************************** Tool Kit: You should assemble the following items for possible use at each class: a deck of playing cards scissors colored pencils or pens (6+) fastener of some kind (stapler, tape, or glue stick) rubber bands (at least 2) string (at least a meter)
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Last updated: 8/20/97