A Short Description of the Curriculum Foundations Project.

The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) is in the midst of a major revision of its recommendations for the undergraduate program in mathematics. Through its Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM), the MAA will produce a report that reflects the views of a broad segment of the mathematics community and the partner disciplines. The goal is a document that will assist mathematics departments as they plan their programs through the first decade of the 21st century. Past CUPM recommendations have strongly influenced undergraduate mathematics instruction. Future recommendations should have similar influence.

Given the impact of mathematics instruction on the sciences and quantitative social sciences --- especially instruction during the first two years --- there is a need for significant input from these partner disciplines. Hence, the CUPM Subcommittee on Calculus Reform And the First Two Years (CRAFTY), the subgroup of the CUPM most concerned with the first two years of college mathematics instruction, is gathering the necessary information through a series of twelve disciplinary workshops. This effort, known as the Curriculum Foundations Project, will generate the foundational materials from which recommendations for the first two years of college mathematics will be constructed.

Each workshop consists of 20-30 participants, the majority chosen from the discipline under consideration, the remainder chosen from mathematics. Each workshop will result in a report addressing a series of questions formulated by CRAFTY. The basic set of questions provided to each workshop is the same.

The reports so produced will be widely circulated, within both the specific disciplines and the mathematics community, in order to solicit a broad range of comments. After such circulation, the reports will be published and used in the formulation of the ultimate CUPM curriculum recommendations. The workshop reports will also serve as valuable resources for encouraging discussions at individual institutions between mathematics departments and their partner disciplines.