Tuesday,  October 18

What is the difference between Euclidean Geometry, Projective Geometry, and Topology

Euclid: congruence, similar... measurements, scale
Questions: Is a triangle congruent/similar to another triangle?
Is an circle congruent /similar to an ellipse?

Is a triangle congruent/similar to a square?

Projective: We will discuss this in greater detail later in the course. Projections preserve lines, points of intersection and contact (tangency).
Questions: Can a triangle project onto any other triangle?
Can a circle project onto to an ellipse?
Can a triangle
project onto a square?

Theorem: For any connected graph in the plane,
V+R = E + 2.
OR  V -E+R =2  

    The number 2 is called the "Euler characteristic for the plane."  ( and the sphere).

    This formula can help solve some problems on the plane and elsewhere.
    We'll continue to examine more applications of this topological property of graphs (networks) in the plane.
    Counting Activity.

    The Utilities problem:
    There are three houses being planned on a new development owned by Aaron(A), Beth(B), and Carol (C). The phone company(P), cable company(L), and electric company(E) are planning to put in underground lines to the three houses and to minimize interference between the services, they would like to set up separate lines from there connection boxes to the houses that do not cross on the map of the development.
    Draw a design the will achieve this objective.

$10 reward to any and all who solve the problem!

    Discussion: Analysis. Suppose this were possible and consider the consequences.
    If the graph were drawn it would have V = 6 vertices and ____ E=?___ edges.
    Based on Euler's formula, the graph would therefore have to have _____R=?___ regions in the plane.

    By design each region would have to have at least 4 edges. Thus if we count the edges by the regions we would have at least 4R edges counting each edge twice- because an edge is a boundary for exactly two regions. Thus the number of edges must be more than 2R.
    Is this possible? What can we conclude?

    Complete graphs. A complete graph is a graph in which each vertex of the graph is connected by an edge to every other vertex.

    For example:

    2 vertices: 1 edge - a line segment
    3 vertices: 3 edges -  a triangle
    4 vertices: 6  edges - a tetrahedron
    Notice these all have planar representations.
    The technical way this is decribed is to say these graphs can be imbedded in the plane.
    What about 5 vertices?
    Draw a complete graph using 5 vertices.

    Discussion: Analysis. Suppose this were possible and consider the consequences.
    If the graph were drawn it would have V = 5 vertices and ____ E= ?___ edges.
    Based on Euler's formula, the graph would therefore have to have _____R=7___ regions in the plane.
    by design each region would have to have at least 3 edges. Thus if we count the edges by the regions we would have at least 3R=21 edges counting each edge twice- because an edge is a boundary for exactly two regions. Thus the number of edges must be more than 3/2R=10 1/2.
    Is this possible? What can we conclude?

    Coloring problems: Suppose we have a map that consists of a graph that determines R regions (countries) with E edges (borders).  How many colors are needed to color the regions so that countries that share a border (not merely a vertex) have different colors.
    The Junkyard on the color problem.