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Martin Flashman's Courses
MATH 316 Real Analysis I
Spring, 2016     MTRF 14:00-14:50
FH 232

Assignments (Tentative- WORK IN PROGRESS)
Watch for actual DUE Dates before starting work!
Assignments are due by 5:00 pm on the due date.

No credit for answers without neatly organized work!
Optional Problems will be graded for bonus assignment points.
Due Date
* indicates the problem will be collected
Feb 8
SOS: p6 (Bounds)

Axioms for the Real numbers
The intermediate value theorem

Spivak: Ch 1 pp 120-122
0.  SOS: 1.21(a,b); 1.64(a,b); 1.65(a,b)

*1.Give a statement the Extreme Value Theorem with examples illustrating how it can be false if each of the hypotheses is not satisfied, i.e.
a. The interval is bounded but not closed, f is continuous on the interval.
b. The interval is closed but not bounded, f is continuous on the interval.
c.  The interval is closed and bounded, f is not continuous on the interval.

*2. Suppose f is a continuous function on a domain D that is the union of a finite number of intervals of the form with a subscript j space less than space b subscript j for = 1 to n and a set of real numbers to .
Prove that there are numbers p and q Syntax error from line 1 column 6 to line 3 column 8. Unexpected 'fontfamily'., where Syntax error from line 1 column 6 to line 3 column 8. Unexpected 'fontfamily'. for all Syntax error from line 1 column 6 to line 3 column 8. Unexpected 'fontfamily'..

*3. Suppose f is a continuous function on a domain D that is the union of a finite number of intervals of the form with a subscript j space less than space b subscript j for = 1 to n and finite set of real numbers to .
Using the Intermediate Value Theorem and the Extreme Value Theorem,
prove that f (D) = {y : y = f (x) for some x in D}  is also the union of a finite number of intervals of the form with r subscript j space less than space s subscript j for to and a finite set of real numbers (possibly empty) to .
Feb 1
Chapter 1

Chapter 4  MEAN VALUE THEOREMS.(p77-78)
[Proofs can be found in the solved problems 4.19, 4.20(Note error in F.)]

Spivak: Chapter 1; pp 190-192

*1.Give a statement and proof of the Mean Value Theorem and of Rolle's Theorem. [You may use other results for your proof. If you use Rolle's theorem to prove the MVT- prove Rolle's Theorem without the MVT!]
*2. Prove: Rolle's Theorem is equivalent to the Mean Value Theorem.
*3. For any real number x let |x| be the absolute value of x, i.e., |x| = x when x>0,|x| =-x when x< 0, and |x| = 0 when x =0.
Prove: For any real numbers a and b,
               ` |a+b| <= |a| + |b|`.
*4. Prove the following:
(i) `|a-b| <= |a| + |b|`.
(ii) `|a| - |b| < = |a-b|`.
(iii) `|( |a| - |b| )| <= |a-b|`.
*5. Suppose m(x,y) = |y-x|  for and  y real numbers.Prove that for any real numbers, a,b, and c:
 (i)  m(a,b) =  0 if and only if  a=b.
 (ii)  m(a,b) = m (b,a).
 (iii) `m(a,b) <= m(a,c) + m(b,c)`
  (iv) If  m(a,b) = m(a,c) + m(b,c)  then  either  a= c,
b=c,  a<c< b, or  b<c<a.
Monday, Jan 25

Review Methods of Proof [Math 240?] See Daniel Solow's links about thinking and structure in Mathematics.

1. Make a list of 5 theorems that you feel are critical to understanding and using the material you learned in the first year of calculus.
Be sure to state clearly the theorem with all its hypotheses and conclusions.
2. For each of the 5 theorems you gave, provide at least one example of how the theorem can fail if only one of the hypotheses is not satisfied.

Chapter 1:Analysis WebNotes by John Lindsay Orr  Introduction

The About Materials  from  Interactive Real Analysis  by Bert G. Wachsmuth

Introduction from A first Analysis course by John O'Connor [(Some set theory),(Some logic),(Rationals and irrationals),(Functions)(Infinity and infinities... ?)]
Resource Notes. Chapter 0. Introduction  by M. Flashman Available on Moodle.

SC 0.B1  Numbers [on-line]
SC 0.B2 Functions [on-line] 

Watch video:"Space Filling Curves" - YouTube (26 Minutes)