Math 115  Lab #9
M. Flashman Fall '07

I.  Graphs of "Simple" Exponential Functions   
II. What is e? What is exp(x)

I.Graphs of Exponential Functions
Record your answers for the next work and submit them on Moodle by Wednesday, November 14th.

  1. Find A and B where y=A*B^x with y(0)=7, y(1)=21.
  2. Find A and B where y=A*B^x with y(1)=20, y(2)=100.
  3. Find x where  5*3^x =45.
  4. Find an estimate for x where  3* 7^x = 210. [Use Winplot]
  5. Find an estimate for any and all x where 2^x  +  (1/2)^x  = 10. [Use Winplot]

End of Lab 9
II.  Not covered in LAB!
What is e? What is exp(x)?
  • Using Excel.
    • Make a spead sheet showing the values for (1 + 1/n)^n  where n = 1, n=10, n=100, n=1000, ... , n = 1000000. Continue your spread sheet until n = 10^20.
    • Record your result (approximately) for n= 1000000 and n = 10 ^20.
  • Using winplot 
    • Plot ( 1, (1+1/n)^n
      • Use animator N; family N
    • Graph y = ((1+1/n)^n)^x.  
      • Use animator N; family N
    • Graph y = exp(x).
    • Compare the graphs.